Hi, i need to show the time when user edit your comments!!!
Hi @fcapra,
Starting from wpDiscuz 7 you can see comment editing information under the comment content. It displays the last editing date and the editor name.
More info here: https://beta.wpdiscuz.com/docs/wpdiscuz-7/plugin-settings/comment-moderation/#display-comment-editing-information
Sorry, but I don't see what you're telling me. I attach my example and how I see it
I create the comment 16/04/2020 10:21
and i edit 16:59 17/04/2020
how to show my date edit?
ok @fcapra,
This feature is including in the new (beta) version of the wpDiscuz plugin.
You can download and test the wpDiscuz 7 version here: https://beta.wpdiscuz.com/demo/
Please navigate to the Dashboard > wpDiscuz > » Phrases admin page and click on the "Reset Phrases" button on each tab and check again.