Most Voted/Liked Comments Widget
- Has two layouts ( with thumb-up icon or comment author avatars )
- Displays number of votes for each comment
- Post title, comment text, comment author and date
Most Active Comment Threads Widget
- Displays first comments of most replied comment threads.
- Displays number of replies for each comment thread
- Comment text, comment author and date
Most Commented Posts Widget
- Displays a list of most commented posts.
- Displays number of comments for each post
- Post title, post excerpt, post author and date
Most Active Comment Authors Widget
- Displays a list of most active commenters.
- Displays number of comments for each author
- Author avatar and name
Features and Options
- Beautiful five in one tabbed widgets
- Ability to display as a simple individual widget without tabs
- Options to set widgets title, number of items and statistic time-frame
- Options to set background and icon colors, width, margins and paddings
Installation and Configuration
- This addon installs like any other plugin for WordPress.
Access to wpDiscuz Widgets is provided immediately after you’ve paid for your order. Upon completing registration/checkout, you may log in at We will also send you an email after registration/checkout, with a link to the login page. Then download the installation package. - Unzip, and then upload the /wpdiscuz-widgets/ folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory using an FTP application like FileZilla; or any other FTP program is fine also. Make sure you have not double /wpdiscuz-widgets/wpdiscuz-widgets/ directories nested inside each other, please correct this before you continue.
- In WordPress, go to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins, and then activate the wpDiscuz Widgets addon.
Once the plugin is active, go to WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets page, drag “wpDiscuz Widget” to sidebar area and begin configuration. To change “Most voted comments” widget layout or to customize widget look and feel please navigate to Comments > wpDiscuz Settings > Addons Tab > Widgets subTab. - It’ll ask you to activate with license key you got via email or in your account page, just insert the key and activate it.
Pre Sale Support
Hi, what happens if after the license activation I change domain? the widget continue to work? Thanks for the reply
You can use the “Disconnect License” button when you change a domain. It’ll disconnect the license, and you’ll be able to activate it on another domain.
Please read this support topic as well:
Hello, I would like to buy the plugin but first I would like to know if it will work if I change my domain
Hi Fred,
Hi, You can use the “Disconnect License” button when you change a domain. It’ll disconnect the license, and you’ll be able to activate it on another domain. Please read this support topic as well:
Is it possible to display all the latest comments on a separate page, not in the sidebar? Is it possible to subscribe to all comments?
I’m really sorry, but the wpDiscuz Widgets addon doesn’t have any shortcdes for displaying the content on pages/posts, etc. It’s a regular WordPress widget and can be found in the Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets admin page.
Please read this support topic: The same question is dicussed there.
Hello, I use TagDiv Newspaper Theme. Could you tell me if this widget is easy to use with this theme ? I have no idea how to integrate.
Many thanks
We’re not familiar with the theme you’re using, However, it’s just a regular WordPress widget and can be found in the Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets admin page. You should not see such any issues.
Hello, I use a block theme, no widgets.
Will I be able to display them?
Are those widgets available as blocks?
Yes, sure. This feature has been included starting from the wpDiscuz Widgets addon v.7.2.0.
Hallo, ist es möglich das Widget mit Elementor an einer beliebigen Stelle einzubinden?
Is it possibile to use Wpdiscuss-widget add-on by using short code?
We’re really sorry, but the wpDiscuz Widget doesn’t have a shortcode.
Can i insert the Widgets-Addon in the Backend-Dashboard of wpDiscuz?
Hi Helmut Weber,
The settings of the wpDiscuz – Widgets addons can be found in the Dashboard> wpDiscuz > Settings > Addons admin page.
The widgets can be added in the Dashboard> Appearance > Widgets admin page.
We have a site about food reviews and we have the 7.1.3 free version. All features works (most voted comments, active comments, most comment posts etc) except top rated posts. Before buy a pro version, can you tell me where is the problem with top rated posts in order to buy or not?
Best regards
Hi Jim,
We don’t follow you well. Please open a new support topic in the forum and try to explain using some screenshots.
Hi, I’m looking for a way to show all comments with images on one page/place (with a widget within a post or page). Does this plugin offer that option and if so, is it possible to see a (live) preview? Thank you. Best, Lisette
Hi Lisette,
Thank you for your interest in the wpDiscuz – Widgets addon.
First of all, I may suggest you check out the wpDiscuz – Media Uploader addon. It has a built-in filter, it can filter the comments with attachments. Please check it out here: However, it should be warned that it filters the comments only for the current post.
Secondly, it’ll add the following feature in the wpDiscuz widget addon. We can show only the comments with the attachments, but the attachments won’t be embedded just comment content.
Hi, is it possible for comments to appear as or on a sidebar?
Hi jACK,
We don’t follow you well. Please clarify a bit.
Hi! I have a WordPress multisite site (about 20 site) : is possibile to show all the comments that are in the satellite sites in one place? Thanks!
Hi Davide,
We’re really sorry the wpDiscuz – Widgets addon doesn’t have such a feature.
It would be great if there was a trial of this. I can buy it in a few days’ time, however, it would be great to test it today.
Hi Grant Barker,
Thank you for your interest in the wpDiscuz – Widgets addon. You’ll need to check checked the [Description] and the [Screenshots] tabs, almost all functions and features are described and shown with screenshots. So you can see what you’ll get.
If you still have a question or doubt, please let me know your concern.
Can you filter what posts these widgets query for the comments? EG: category, single post, custom post type, etc?
We’re really sorry, but the addon doesn’t have such a feature.
Are these widgets available/implementable as gutenberg blocks?
Hi david,
Sure they are available for Gutenberg blocks.
How much does this affect the server load? I have 200,000 comments on the site right now.
Hi Aleksandr A,
Each wpDiscuz addon adds additional queries so it may slow the performance. However, the loading depends on the server requirements as well.
When you add the best rate widget?
I really need it 🙂
Does the wpDiscuz Widgets addon include article ratings yet? If not, is there an ETA?
It’s not included yet. We do all our best to make it available asap.
My question is… ‘Why is my IP address FLAGGED right now and causing your pages to LOAD SLOWLY… with some kind of ‘CRAWLER’ crap warning?! I came to PURCHASE – this isn’t a GOOD image for a “PROFESSIONAL’ web store!
Perhaps this system isn’t for me..
Hi Edward,
That was flagged by CleanTalck antispam system. It’s now disabled. Please check it again.
One more question: is it possible to set format date independent of date formats from general WordPress settings?
Hi, Is it possible to display “New” badge next to latest comments, for comments published in the last 24 hours (for example)?
I need such funcinality but I can`t see it in your demo.
We’re really sorry, but the wpDiscuz Widgets addon doesn’t have such a feature.
Maybe you will implement it in the future? It would make this widget more attractive and usable I think…
I’m interested, but in addition to the comments, does it also show the ranking of the articles with your rating?
We’re really sorry, but there is not such a feature yet. However, we’ll take this into consideration for future versions.
Grazie! Thank you!
is there a way to include this widget within the actual article?
I’m really sorry, but the wpDiscuz Widgets addon doesn’t have such a feature.
how to hide date in widget ? (17 days ago)
This is not the right place to ask that question. This is the pre-sale question section, where you can ask all pre-sale questions you have, before purchasing this plugin.
If you have question-related thewpDiscuz Widgets addon please open a new support topic in the wpDiscuz Widgets forum.
i am seeking your help to overcome this problem:
widgets appear in sub pages and not in the homepage
note that i am using Visual composer plugin to edit the homepagr and i did not find wpDiscuz
Hi, I’m interested in this adding, but I have a question: is it possible to exclude certain users comments from showing on the widget based on their roles? For example showing only comments from subscribers, not from Admins or Editors. Thanks.
Hi Eli,
I’m really sorry but there is no way to show the comments based on their roles.
I’m looking for a plugin with recent comments and most rated posts. I read all the topics and there are other people intrerested in the same features from 2 and even 4 years ago. But unfortunately there’s no ETA for these features. Let me know if they’re implemented because I’ll gladly buy it.
Hi Sid,
I’m really sorry but the wpDiscuz Widgets add-on does not have the most rated posts feature.
Hi, installed the 7 beta version, it’s fantastic, really! It beats all the most popular plugins like cackle, disqus etc. I have two questions:
1) Will the plugin always remain free or is the “big money” waiting for us as the cackles did once they reached so many customers?
2) I would like to make a simple slider (rotator) of the last comments on my homepage, how can I make it?
Thanks so much for your work! You are fantastic!
The wpDiscuz plugin will stay free.
You should use some other plugin. I’ve found the following two plugins, please check those:
thank you for your suggestion. But in my opinion these plugins, like many others, can only show posts or written testimonials. Do you have any idea how to make them show comments from WpDisquz?
Is it possible to only allow upvotes and not downvotes?
yes, it’s possible via CSS code. The solution is provided here:
In case of time frame, is it 24 hours for last day? for based on the calendar date?
Hi Tim,
Thank you for your interest in wpDiscuz Widgets add-on!
It counts 24 hours for the last day.
Can I show, instead of date, p.e. 3 minutes ago, or 1 hour ago? For active communities, just the date doesn’t really make sense.
Thanks a lot in advance
Hi Julian,
I’m really sorry but not yet. At this moment this addon uses the WordPress date format. We’ll take into consideration to change this format in future releases.
Hi Support Team
Any update on this? We have more than 100 Comments every day and it looks just stupid when always the same date is shown 🙂 Maybe you could direct us to the file we need to make the modification?
Hi Julian Zrotz,
This will be changed in the next version update.
Hi Julian Zrotz,
This is already added. Please update the wpDiscuz Widgets add-on to the latest version(v. 7.0.7) and check again.
Is there an option to display the Top Rated posts (based on the Star rating field)?
I’m sorry but not yet. This is under development at the moment (no ETA yet).
2 years ago…
Hello, is there any widget that can filter comments only of a particular page ID? I need to show in my landing page a comment section referred only to a particular page ID…
Hi Gianluca,
I’m sorry but there is no such a widget option. We’ll add this in our to-do lit.
Does this widget use the translation file for the plugin? If not, is it separately translatable?
Hi Kalle,
All our addons has own translation POT file in /languages/ subDirectory. You can use that for translation.
This might seem like a stupid question, but how do guests get a picture of themselves onto the wordpress comments section? For instance, notice on the Most Active Commentors how everyone has a picture profile, how do I get those picture profiles to show up for my blog commentors?
WordPress uses Gravatar and shows avatar based on guest emails.
More information here:
How do you gather “Most active authors” and is it possible to get a list of all the users comments? At least for the user themselves to keep track of what they have commented on, like a comment history?
Hi Woxx,
This is a “Most Active Comment Authors” so it’s being counted based on number of comments. But there is no comment history list.
Ok thanks, but how does the widget do its counting then? Does it only count from when it was installed or is the comments always stored and counted already just not shown?
1. Most Voted Comments – statistic based on wpDiscuz comment likes/votes. It gets all data from first day of wpDiscuz plugin installation.
2. Active Comment Threads – statistic based on number of replies to parent comment. It gets all data from first day of WordPress installation. All data are built-in WordPress data.
3. Most Commented Posts – statistic based on number of posts’ comments. It gets all data from first day of WordPress installation. All data are built-in WordPress data.
4. Active Comment Authors – statistic based on number of user comments . It gets all data from first day of WordPress installation. All data are built-in WordPress data.
It’d be nice to have a simple “recent comments” widget. Not sure I like the one I’m using at the moment.
Thank you for suggestion FKI,
We’ll add it in future releases. I’ll update here once it done.
Also interested in a recent comments widget.
Hi Will,
This is already added in wpDiscuz Widgets 1.2.1 version.
Any update to this? I’d still think just recent comments would be a major win. As well as the ability to exclude some from the widget (in case you don’t use voting buttons).
Dear buyers,
this is the right place where you can ask all per-sale questions you have, before purchasing this plugin. We’ll be in touch and reply within 1-2 hours for GMT +1 to +12 and within 4-6 hours for GMT -1 to -12. Our customer support representatives are available 7 days a week from 6am to 10pm (GMT 0:00, London) ; excluding all major holidays.
Re: most commented posts plugin, what are the other options for “Time Frame”?
Great work!
Thank you maigos,
Please see this screenshot:
Time frame:
— Last Day
— Last Week
— Last Month
— All Time
Sweet! Buying it…But I do have subdomains… Can I use same license for one domain and subdomains?
Thank you maigos,
What sub-domains are those? Are those multi-site WordPress or separate WordPress Installations?
SUBDOMAINS: (separate WP installations)
A Single Site License is not for WordPress multi-sites installation with subdomains. It may work for subdirectores but not for subdomains. However please try to do a network activation. If the single activation on the main site will work for all subdomains then all is good.