I've built a forum, and I want to create a post where I can mention a group of participants. Is this possible? Or is there a better way to do it? I’d appreciate your feedback."
Please check out the wpForo – User Mentioning addon. It's a lightweight solution for wpForo forums to easily select users when you want to mention them in topic and post editors.
More info here: https://gvectors.com/product/wpforo_mentioning/
@astgh but it seems to me I only can select each person separte but not a group of person
The wpForo Private Messages addon supports group conversations within the forum system. You may consider purchasing the addon. More info here: https://gvectors.com/product/wpforo-private-messages/.
Alternatively, I recommend purchasing pro support and reaching out to the pro support team for customizations: https://wpforo.com/pro-support/#plugin-support.
@astgh I purchased it already.. but I cannot select a group.
Please see the screenshot below:
Just select the "New Conversation"and Select usergroups you want to send private messages.