Hello. I'm trying to embed a Flickr Group pool but it isn't translating. Here's the link I'm trying to embed:
Please advise.
Hello. I'm trying to embed a Flickr Group pool but it isn't translating. Here's the link I'm trying to embed:
Please advise.
Hi meorime,
Please make sure the Flickr checkbox is enabled (Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Addons > Embeds subtab). Delete all caches and check again.
If you have any cach plugins please disable those and test it.
Also please leave your forum URL to allow us to check it.
Thank you meorime,
Please register a new user and send login details to info[at]gvectors.com email address.
Hello Astghik. I'm sending you an email right now with the login information. Subject line is "Registration to test Embed plugin on coyotetalk.com"
Thank you meorime,
We've just tested and it seems everything works fine.
Could you please describe when exactly this issue happens (maybe on a specific browser or mobile)?