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Some issues I am facing..

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 You create a great plugin but i am facing some issues and want to customize something..

1 -  Its load the comment form but when we click on the box where we have to write, its not showing the SUBMIT Buttons. We have to wait for whole page loading then it comes.

2 - All comments are not showing  on my site.

3 - (Customize) How I can show just the total numbers of rating.


Please help me with this....

Illustrious Member Admin
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Hi @xaibi,

First of all, thank you for your interest in wpDiscuz. 

1 -  Its load the comment form but when we click on the box where we have to write, its not showing the SUBMIT Buttons. We have to wait for whole page loading then it comes.

In any case, you'll need to wait until the whole page will be loaded.I'd suggest you add this CSS code in Dashboard > Comments > Settings > Styling > "Custom CSS code " textarea. This CSS allows you to display a submit button before clicking in a text editor.

#wpcomm .wc-form-footer {
display: block !important;

2 - All comments are not showing  on my site.

wpDiscuz has a Comments loading/pagination type option, that allows to changing pagination to one of following types:

  • [Load more] Button
  • [Load rest of all comments] Button
  • Load all comments
  • Lazy load comments on scrolling

The option is located in the Dashboard > Comments > Settings > Comment List admin page. In your case, you need to choose the Load all comments option. 

More info here:

3 - (Customize) How I can show just the total numbers of rating.

 you should use the [wpdrating] shortcode. 

Shortcode Attributes:

  • metakey="all" 
  • show-lable  = true/false
  • show-count = true/false
  • show-average = true/false
  • itemprop = true/false

Full shortcode example:

[wpdrating metakey="all"  show-lable  = true  show-count = true show-average = true itemprop = true ]

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Ok I got the rating shortcode and its working but I just want to show only total votes, no stars and average.

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And also tell me please that, what If i dont want to show schema of rating.

Illustrious Member Admin
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Tho show only total votes use this shortcode:

[wpdrating metakey="all" show-lable="true" show-count="true" show-average="average" itemprop="false"]

And the following CSS to hide the stars: 

.wpdiscuz-stars-wrapper-inner {

Illustrious Member Admin
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And also tell me please that, what If i dont want to show schema of rating.

In this case, remove the following part form the shortcode I've provided here:


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Posted by: Astghik


Tho show only total votes use this shortcode:

[wpdrating metakey="all" show-lable="true" show-count="true" show-average="average" itemprop="false"]

And the following CSS to hide the stars: 

.wpdiscuz-stars-wrapper-inner {

Actually i dont want to use css, is it possible without css.

Illustrious Member Admin
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I'm sorry, but not. You should use the CSS code for this purpose. 

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Ok, is there code to show the number of comments and I make itemprop = false but still showing in structure data.

Illustrious Member Admin
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you should use the get_comments_number() function to show the number of comments. 

 I make itemprop = false but still showing in structure data.

I'm sorry, but I don't follow you. Please try to explain in other words. 

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I make False but its showing me..

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Any help with this schema issue ?

Illustrious Member Admin
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The "AverageRating" just a name. If you hide this name, all content will not be shown. The value of the itemprop property is being used for SEO.  If you set it false it'll not be indexing by Google. 


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Actually I am already using a rating schema so I dont want to use that one which you are using..

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No help with that?

Illustrious Member Admin
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Hi @xaibi,

Actually I am already using a rating schema so I dont want to use that one which you are using..

As I've already mentioned this can be reached if you set the false value for the itemprop property. 


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This is a bad impact if I use 2 kind of rating schema in my website. I dont want to use this schema as I already told you that I am using my own schema.

Illustrious Member Admin
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Hi @xaibi,

I understand what you want, and I've already given you an answer. All you need is change the itemprop property's value and set it false. The shortcode is:

[wpdrating metakey="all" show-lable="true" show-count="true" show-average="average" itemprop="false"]

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As you said and I already did this but still showing me...

Illustrious Member Admin
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Hi xaibi,

The screenshot clarifies nothing. It would be better if you send us the whole code.

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