wpForo Embeds supports hundreds of content providers. Video, audio, photos, products, and more—embed the content your users crave.

Video Embed
Embed full videos anywhere. Let your users on your forum watch content from over 30 providers. Video providers include: Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Rutube, Vevo, Vesti, Metacafe, Liveleak, Funnyordie, Dotsub, Scribd, Citytv, Snotr, Wat, Novamov, Youku, Putlocker, Veoh, Zappinternet, Dalealplay, Zkouknito, Allocine, Break, Vzaar, 4shared, Movshare, Shiatv, etc…
Image Embed
A picture is worth a thousand words. Don’t just tell users what you are talking about; show them. Image providers include: Flickr, Instagram, GettyImages, Mobypicture, ymlyFrog, etc…
Audios, Social Networks and others
SoundCloud, Twitter, Facebook,, Reddit, PollDaddy, etc…
Installation and Configuration
- This addon installs like any other plugin for WordPress.
Access to wpForo Embeds is provided immediately once you paid for your order. Upon completing registration/checkout, you may log in at We will also send you an email after registration/checkout, with a link to the login page. Then download the installation package.
- Downloaded addon zip file from gVectors Shop account page
- Navigate to Dashboard > Plugins > Add new and upload addon ZIP file, then activate it.
- Once the plugin is active, navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Addons > Embeds Tab to begin configuration…
- It’ll ask you to activate with license key you got via email or in your account page, just insert the key and activate it.
If for some reason you cannot install this plugin using WordPress plugin upload system please do that with this alternative way. Unzip, and then upload the /wpforo-embeds/ folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory using an FTP application like FileZilla; or any other FTP program is fine also. Make sure you have not double /wpforo-embeds/wpforo-embeds/ directories nested inside each other, please correct this before you continue. Then in WordPress, go to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins, and then activate the wpForo Embeds addon.
Fixed an issue with content inside a long [pre] tag.
Added: Supports video embedding.
Fixed: issue with php 8
Added: Supports video embedding.
Added: Supports telegram posts embedding.
Added: Supports instagram reels and tv embedding.
do not embed links within code block.
Improvement: supports even more pages embedding from
Added: Supports reel embedding.
Added: PHP 8.2 Compatibility
Fixed bug: Embed Website URL and Embed File URLs options compatibility with WordPress latest version.
Improvement: supports even more videos embedding from
Improvement: supports even more videos embedding from the
Added: Supports video embedding.
wpForo 2.0 compatibility
Added: Supports audio embedding.
Improvement: Performance improvement
Added: changes in the plugin core for PHP 8 support
Added: compatibility with WordPress 5.6 version
Added: built-in Facebook embedding functions
Fixed style: some small issue with embedding.
Added: Allowing to disconnect license.
Added: Supports video embedding.
Important Update: Compatibility with wpForo 1.8.0 and higher versions
Added: Option to disable File URLs Embedding in posts.
Added: Supports video embedding.
Added: Supports video embedding.
Added: Supports audio embedding.
Added: Supports audio embedding.
Fixed: Display issues on some iOS Mobile devices.
Optimized: JS load process
Optimized: Disable website URL embedding function by default. Speed up page loading process.
Added: Option to disable Website Embeding in posts
PHP 7.4 compatibility
Some important fixes
Some important fixes
Added: Supports video embedding.
Added: New hook that allows embedding custom videos.
Added: Ability to embed YouTube video from the start time.
Added: Supports VK.COM video embedding.
Added: Supports OK.RU video embedding.
Added: Compatibility with new type of urls in
Added: new option “Enable Youtube privacy-enhanced mode”
Added: the ability to embed posts from current domain in wpForo content.
Fixed bug: Jetpack conflict with Instagram embedding.
Added: Supports video embedding.
Fixed bug: related to the oEmbed function call.
Added: Google Forms Embed.
Added: Option to limit embedded content per page.
Added: Supports embedding.
Added: Supports Loom video embedding.
Optimization: Slow loading of dashboard plugins page on some servers.
Fixed bug: Unable to insert code in post content. Code decoding problem.
Added: wpForo 1.4.3 Compatibility (please don’t update for old versions)
Fixed Bug: Addon Activation and Update Notification Problems.
Fixed Bug: HTTP Error 500 when updating addon settings.
Fixed Bug: Incorrect Youtube link formatting.
Fixed Bug: Youtube Embed problem on HTTPS websites.
Initial version
Pre Sale Support
Is it possible to run sessions like Facebook group/ Facebook live and go live on video. So through live in Vimeo and stream into the forum, live?
Sorry for the late response.
Yes, sure. You can register and tets it here as well:
Is it possible to load the embed content after the user sees a note, wehre he has to click yes to see the content (needed by german law)
We’re really sorry, but the wpForo Embeds addon doesn’t have such a feature. I’d recommend purchasing a pro support and asking the pro-support team for customizations:
This plugin is not showing in my wordpress dashboard – is there a tutorial to get my attachments embedded in my fourm?
Hi, This is not the right place to ask this question. This is the pre-sale question section, where you can ask all pre-sale questions you have, before purchasing this plugin. Just open a new support topic in the wpForo Embeds addon’s support forum:
Since I use the embed plugin 3 days ago one of the topic in my forum which has a lot of link is taking too much time to load and sometimes I am getting Cloudflare 5XX error
Hi Mike,
Please create a new topic at wpForo Embeds Forum. This is Embeds Addon Pre Sale question’s forum.
My car club’s Site is using wpForo and several of your addons. I upgraded to the latest version of WordPress and wpForo and the addons stopped working.
If I upgrade and buy new versions can I buy one license and activate it on the production site and the dev and staging subdomains? They are all on the same server with the same IP address and only the live Site is intended for the pubic. I often only allow specific IPs to access the dev or stage subdomains. Or, do I need 3 licenses? Only the main Site will be used by anyone other than a developer
Hi Bradford,
You’ve updated wpForo to the new 2.0 major version. This is a fully redesigned and a mega update, so the old addons cannot be compatible with this version. However, if your licenses are not expired then you can download and update the addons like it mentioned here:
You can buy one license and follow the instruction mentioned here for the dev and staging websites:
Hi,youtube embed affects very badly on pagespeed, does this plugin shows an image of the video (click to load embed) instead of embedding the video itself? or can we use any wordpress plugin that does that and it will work?
Hi Juan Carlos Celaya Dibout,
we have added this feature in our to-do list.
Can use this to embed videos from this hoster:
If not, what do I need to embed their player in either iFrame or JS Player?
Hi Christof,
This is not included in the supported video hosting, however you can try to embed some video, it could be supported by oEmbed system which has been integrated with wpForo Embeds Addon. You can register and post a test topic with vadoo video here:
Does this plugin support TikTok Embeds?
Yes, sure it supports TikTok Embedding.
You can check it here:
Is this the addon that I would use to insert an image or video inline with my forum post? So if I was explaining how to do something, I would like to reference a picture or video inline with the text.. would like to know this would work in that scenario.
Hi EventGuyZ,
Yes, you should check out the wpForo Advanced Attachments addon:
I see on this current page we can embed Soundcloud player but I’ve tried it with the newly purchased embeds addon and it’s not working. I cannot see in the list either. Any help on this?
Hi Bruno,
This is not a support section. Please move your question to the Support Forum:
BTW, you should use correct URL to put it in the post content. The URL will be embedded and displayed as SounCloude player after the post submission. Make sure the SounCloude content is not private, and it’s allowed to embed in other websites.
is this plugin can Embeds PDF ?
Hi mohammed-tm,

NO, this is not a file attachment addon. This is a 3rd party content embedding addon, like YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Twitter, etc… If you need an advanced file attachments features, you should check out the wpForo Advanced Attachments Addon:
Hi there,
We have 11 sites at the moment with plans to grow our network of sites throughout the year.
Are there larger bulk licensing plans or can we expand the amount of licensed domains at any time?
Hi Tiago,
I’d recommend by 10 Sites License. If you’ll need more site licenses, the next 10 Sites license will be 30% discounted and so on…
Hi Tom, thanks for the reply!
So, just to get this straight, the first 10 sites would be 50 USD, then the next batches of 10 sites would be 35 USD per batch?
Can Admin, in Settings for example, add more websites for any page to embed from? The embed should show the link image/ logo along with title & description meta with the embed. (I mean any random websites that are not listed in Description).
There is a website embedding option in the addon, but doesn’t have a strict view and design with logo and images. It depends on the website. You just need to keep enabled the “Embed Website URLs” option in Forums > Settings > Addons > Embeds Tab.
Can it be possible: the way Facebook embeds any page of a random website with link image OR the link in a box rather than only a plain URL link (like without it)?
This Embed Addon works fine with mentioned platform in Description.
No, it cannot work in that way
Does this work for Bandcamp albums and songs?
I’m sorry, but it doesn’t
What I want is to add iframe from any site, does this plugin work for me?

Yes it should embed any website as iframe if the corresponding option is enabled in Forums > Settings > Addons > Embeds Tab. You can register and test your preferred in the demo forum:
Can you filter which Usergroups can embed videos?
Hi Mars,
Please specify what kind of embed do you mean? I just what to make sure that you’re aware that this addon is not a file uploading and attaching addon. This is a 3rd party content embedding addon, like YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCload, Twitter…
If you want to upload video files and attach to topic posts you should check out the wpForo Advanced Attachments addon, it allows you to manage file attachment permission per user group:
Does this add-on support embedding self-hosted video files content? For instance, my blog is at and I have video files in a folder within that domain /homevideos/. Would it embed a video at ? Or are all the options only 3rd party hosting services?
Hi Royce Sarusal,
The wpForo Embeds addon is designed as a core post content replacer. It checks content provider URLs and replaces to content provider view (video, audio players, social network widgets, etc..).
wpForo Embeds is a 3rd party URL (Youtube, Soundcloud, etc.) embed-er addon.
wpForo Advanced Attachments is a file attachment plugin. It allows attaching multiple files, images, videos, audio and all other file types you’ve allowed in settings.
wpForo Advanced Attachments:
wpForo Embeds:
Hi, just setting up the forum and noticed adding shortcode to a post will not show. Is this the add on I need?
I am using eRoom so want to to the Zoom short codes in one of the forum pages. Thanks
Hi Stuart Smith,
Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features tab, make sure the “WordPress Shortcodes in Post Content” option is enabled.
Achieved functions showed in the Description, basically. When I post Fb links, the URL transformed into image, but it was too large, and some videos are showed too small. How can I set the auto fit or resize the linked media. Thanks.
Please open a new support topic in the forum and leave some example URL to allow us to understand the issue.
wpForo Embeds addon support forum:
Great Products 🙂
RE: wpForo Embeds User Permissions:
We need ability to set end-user permission to embed content based on WP User Role.
For example: “subscriber” role cannot embed content, but “author” role is allowed to embed content.
Please Advise…
Thank you Soft Designs!
We’ve already added the feature in our to-do list. It’ll be implemented in the future versions.
Hello, I just bought the Embeds addon now, but i think i made a mistake buying it, what i want to achieve is upload image in post content and i thought that’s what embed is for. Please, can you guide or assist me how to achieve this please. Thanks
Please read wpForo Embeds addon description on the product page. This addon doesn’t have any relation to image file uploading and attaching.
The wpForo Embeds addon is designed as a core post content replacer. It checks content provider URLs and replaces to content provider view (video, audio players, social network widgets, etc..).
wpForo Embeds is a 3rd party URL (Youtube, Soundcloud, etc.) embed-er addon.
wpForo Advanced Attachments is a file attachment plugin. It allows attaching multiple files, images, videos, audio and all other file types you’ve allowed in settings.
wpForo Advanced Attachments:
wpForo Embeds:
will Advanced Attachments do everything that wpforo Embeds will do? In short, if I buy Advanced Attachments, will I still need Embeds?
If I were to purchase a one-site license for me to test, is it possible to someday upgrade the one-site license to a 3-site license and just pay the difference in price? The same question for Advanced Attachments and wpforo Embeds
Hi Manny Manapat,
Please see the difference between wpForo Embeds and the wpForo Advanced Attachments add-ons.
The wpForo Embeds addon is designed as a core post content replacer. It checks content provider URLs and replaces to content provider view (video, audio players, social network widgets, etc..).
wpForo Embeds is a 3rd party URL (Youtube, Soundcloud, etc.) embed-er addon.
wpForo Advanced Attachments is a file attachment plugin. It allows attaching multiple files, images, videos, audio and all other file types you’ve allowed in settings.
wpForo Advanced Attachments:
wpForo Embeds:
Regarding your second question I’m really sorry but there is no way to do that.
Where can I test how this works? Is it possible to view a demo of “Embeds” and “Advanced Attachments” to see how they work together? But first of all a demo of embeds. Thank you 🙂
Hi Owlish,

Please use the Live Preview button on each addon page:
What happens to the plugin once the license expires, would I still be able to use it on the website without support?
Hi Ronald
The license is only for 365 days and it’s only designed to allow you get addon updates. But it doesn’t limit usage of the last version you got during the 365 days. So you can continue to use your last version for lifetime but you’ll not be able to get new versions updates. Once the license is expired it asks you for renewal, but it doesn’t limit any function, you are able to use it without any function limitation until it becomes incompatible with new versions of WordPress or with the core plugin.
Hello, I have one site (e.g., so I need one-site license. But I want to test plugins on before introduce them on live site. Is it possible with one-site license?
Hi Stan,
Sure it’s possible. Just install the add-on on the test website, but don’t activate it. Once you completed the testing install the add-on on a real domain and use it.
Hello, does this add-on support Smugmug?
yes, Tim, the add-ons support Smugmug embedding.
You can test it here:
Can I control which users can and cannot use the embed feature?
Hi Chris Braid,
wpForo has the “Min number of posts to be able post links” option. It allows to control new registered users’ actions in the forum.
So only trusted members (who has more than e.g 3 posts ) can add a link in the post content.
Besides, there are a lot of other antispam options that keep users under hard spam control. All those options can be found in the Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Antispam admin page.
Is there an option for Publitio?
Hi Dinesh Potluru,
The Publitio embedding feature will be included in the next version release.
Also supports GIPHY and Tenor?
Hi MarketBuy23,
Yes, the addon supports both GIPHY and Tenor embedding.
Hi I’ve just sent an email to support but I don’t know if that is the correct procedure. I’ve paid 3 hs ago for a 1 x wpForo Embeds – Single Site License and even though the payment went through in my account it is displayed as “cancelled”. I do want the add on but I didn’t got any email with a link for downloading and I’m worried about that “cancelled” status. I never cancelled it.
Hi pabela,
Thank you for your purchase. We just set your order completed. It seems you’ve not clicked the [complete order] button after the payment. it sends back to gVectors Store and makes your order complete automatically. Now all is set, you should receive an email with license key and download links. Also you can find those data in My Account page here:
Awesome, Tom! Thank you so much. I’ve just installed it and is working great!
Hello please does your addon still supports youku?
Hi Kwame,
yes, it supports embedding. You just need to make sure it’s checked on add-on settings.
Can I also add emojis with this addon to wpforo?
Hi Bastbra,
Thank you for your interest in the wpForo add-ons and for contacting us.
The default emoticons you see are emoji. They are built-in TinyMCE feature. You can simply add those emojis in post content. more info in the doc:
I mean upload my own emojis. I remind that something was planned? So… can this plugin add new emojis to wpforo? I don’t mean the WordPress Emojis… 🙂
Thanks for so fast answer and merry christmas!
Can I embed google form too?
Hi Rishab,
Starting from wpForo Embeds 1.1. 0 version you can embed Google form.
can i upload images so that they show in the post as thumbnail or the entire image?
Hi uloplo,
Could you please read this addon description? This addon doesn’t have any relation to file uploading and attaching. This is 3rd arty content embedding addon. For example, it embeds Youtube link and displays video player. It also supports lots of other embed-able contents…
For file uploading and attaching features please check the wpForo Advanced Attachments addon:
We’re using the Loom for Chrome Extension for support videos. Will we be able to 1) Embed these and 2) Create an accessable library?
Hi Greg,
1. yes wpForo Embeds supports Loom video embedding.
2. I’m sorry, but I don’t follow you, please explain more in details what you mean.
Does this allow map embeds?
You can’t embed Google Map using share URL. It should be embedded using Iframe code and the {;} source button of post editor (don’t use the rich editor view mode):
The iFrame code seems to get stripped when I press update or publish 🙁
You should enable iframe HTML tag in Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Antispam admin page.
More info:
Is there a way to buy your products without handle the payments?
Hi WebUnlimited,
I’m really sorry but not. We recommend use Credit Card if the PayPal payment has been canceled by 2Checkout. Or please contact them and ask them re-approve your payment.
By the way, please try to check out the PayPal information in the bottom of this page. 2Checkout are not mention at all. takes great pride in offering a safe and secure online shopping experience. We understand that the safety of your personal information is extremely important to you. Your purchase will be processed by PayPal. gVectors Products and Services provided by gConverter, LLC. gConverter is PayPal Verified.
I think that information need an update.
Just for your information.
2Checkout has accused me of one of your customers for fraud after taking my money. Yes, maybe I get my money back after all my complains. I just trying to be a customer and not a cantankerous. It’s possible to use credit card to buy your products without 2Checkout handle it? I’m sorry to say, but I don’t trust them.
i wanted to share forum post links to social media
This addon doesn’t have any relation to sharing posts. This is a 3rd party content embedding addon. it embeds content providers like YouTube, Vemio, SoundCloud, Instagram, etc…
hello if i upload an image to my post will it appear rather than click on paper clip to view it ? I have just installed your plugin but when i upload image it does not embed or show on the post. I need it to show straight away on post please.
Hi dean,
Please note, that this addon is for contend embedding, not for file attachment and image uploading. You should purchase wpForo Advanced Attachments addon, it does what you’re looking for:
wpForo Embeds addon is designed to replace 3rd party content provider URL to a widget or player. For example:
Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Rutube,
Flickr, Instagram
Audio and Social Network:
SoundCloud, Twitter
I just bought wpForo Embeds for 1 site, but embed does not apply to jwplayer.
please update wpForo Embed to be embeds from jwplayer
thank you
Hi bimbimz
I’m sorry but wpForo Embeds doesn’t support JW Player. wpForo Embeds addon is designed to embed 3rd party content like Youtube, Vimeo, SoundCloud. All 3rd party content come with own Players and Widgets. If you want to upload a video file in forum you should use wpForo Advanced Attachments addon. It comes with HTML 5 video and audio players (not JW Player).
I bought a wpForo Embeds (single site license: $11) but I can’t know how can I install this on a page in my website.
Hi chungihong,
This is a section for pre-sale questions . For farther support please open a support topic in gVectors Forum here:
Please note that wpForo Embeds is a wpForo addon, it’s designed to work for wpForo Forum plugin. You can’t use it for WordPress pages. Once you installed this addon all 3rd party content provider URLs will be turned to according Players and Widget in wpForo forum posts. For example Youtube share URL will be relaced to Youtube video Player, SoundCloud share URL will be replaced to SoundCloud Playlist or Album Widget…
Just a little question regarding all your Foro Addons. Do I understand right? A purchase will offer 12 month support but unlimted updates for lifetime?
Hi Holger,
I’m sorry but that’s not right. The license only allows you one year update. Please read our license information here:
Does this enable to upload several (more than one) attachments per post or not? At the moment, without the addon, I can attach only one image to the post in the forum.
This addon is for contend embedding not for file attachment. You should purchase wpForo Advanced Attachments addon it does what you’re looking for:
wpForo Embeds addon is designed to replace 3rd party content provider URL to a widget or player. For example:
Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Rutube,
Flickr, Instagram
Audio and Social Network:
SoundCloud, Twitter
Well, I’m sorry again, I found my answer! “However, please note… Single-Site License does NOT provide support for multiple child blogs or sub-sites, if they use different domain names (domain mapping), you can only use this license for sub directories and sub-domains.” Thank you!
Single Site License should only be used for one website and should be activated one time, but the security system allows 2 more times (on same domain) for website development or testing purposes. These 2 times can also be used for MU subSites, but not for all subSites. We’ll update this in our Terms and Conditions to make it more clear.
Dear buyers,
this is the right place where you can ask all per-sale questions you have, before purchasing this plugin. We’ll be in touch and reply within 1-2 hours for GMT +1 to +12 and within 4-6 hours for GMT -1 to -12. Our customer support representatives are available 7 days a week from 6am to 10pm (GMT 0:00, London) ; excluding all major holidays.
Hi, regarding wpforo I want users or registers to embed videos, videos loop and photos. Which addon I should buy: embeds or advanced attachments? Thanks a lot.
wpForo Embeds addon is designed to replace 3rd party content provider URL to a widget or player. For example:
Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Rutube,
Flickr, Instagram
Audio and Social Network:
SoundCloud, Twitter
But this addon doesn’t allow to upload and attach images, videos and audios from user local computer. You should buy Advanced Attachment addon for this purpose.
can I use this addon to show google images and maps in WpForum?
Hi Zamoras,
yes, wpForo Embeds addon allows embedding google images.
You can’t embed Google Map using share URL. It should be embedded using Iframe code and the {;} source button of post editor (don’t use the rich editor view mode):
Also, you need to enable iframe HTML tag in Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Antispam admin page.
More info:
You can test it on addon demo forum: