wpDiscuz – Subscription Manager

Finally you can monitor and manage all subscribers in dashboard. As you may already know wpDiscuz has three subscription options on comment section (notify on new comments, on replies to my all comments and on replies of this one comment). All subscriptions were being saved in database but you had no access. Using this addon you’ll see all guests and users who have subscribed using one of wpDiscuz subscription option mentioned above. Ads “Subscriptions” subMenu in Comments menu section. Displays numeric subscription statistic. Allows you find and manage own subscriptions in “Your Subscriptions” admin page.

Official wpDiscuz Addon

Please note: this is an add-on for wpDiscuz plugin. This addon requires at least wpDiscuz 7.0.0 version. Please do not install this addon on lower wpDiscuz versions. wpDiscuz is a free, AJAX controlled, real time, flexible and responsive commenting plugin. It's available for free download on WordPress.org Extensions directory. The official wpDiscuz addons are only available here at gVectors.com Premium plugins store.

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wpDiscuz Subscription Manager Features

  • Adds “Subscriptions” subMenu in Comments menu section
  • Displays all subscriptions with subscriber email, status, date, post title, subscription type data.
  • Bulk and individual management tools
  • Action buttons for each subscription:
    • Set as confirmed
    • Cancel confirmation
    • Unsubscribe
    • Send Email to subscriber
  • Opens pop-up form and allows send direct email to subscriber
  • Subscriber sorting by email, status, date, post title, etc…
  • Subscriber filtering tools. You can filter and see subscriptions by
    • Status (confirmed, awaiting confirmation)
    • Type (post, all comments, this comment)
    • Date
  • Search by user email, post title…
  • Adds “Your Subscriptions” subMenu in Users menu section with a list of all your subscriptions. This list is fully sortable and  manageable like the subscriptions list in “Subscriptions” subMenu.


Installation and Configuration

  • This addon installs like any other plugin for WordPress.
    Access to wpDiscuz Subscription Manager is provided immediately after you’ve paid for your order. Upon completing registration/checkout, you may log in at gVectors.com. We will also send you an email after registration/checkout, with a link to the login page. Then download the installation package.
  • Navigate to Dashboard > Plugins > Add New admin page and upload addon ZIP file, then activate it.
  • Once the plugin is active, go to Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Settings > Subscriptions to see and manage all subscribers.
  • Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Users > Your Subscriptions admin page to manage your subscriptions.
  • It’ll ask you to activate with license key you got via email or in your account page, just insert the key and activate it.

If for some reason you cannot install this plugin using WordPress plugin upload system please do that with this alternative way. Unzip, and then upload the /wpdiscuz-subscribe-manager/ folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory using an FTP application like FileZilla; or any other FTP program is fine also. Make sure you have not double /wpdiscuz-subscribe-manager/wpdiscuz-subscribe-manager/ directories nested inside each other, please correct this before you continue. Then in WordPress, go to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins, and then activate the wpDiscuz Subscription Manager addon.

Dashboard – Comments > Subscriptions admin page


Dashboard – Users > Your Subscriptions admin page


  1. Added : Follows manage page


  1. Compatible with WordPress 5.7


  1. Added: Allowing to disconnect license


  1. Compatible with WordPress 5.5


  1. Compatible with wpDiscuz 7 version


  1. Optimized: Addon update checking system


  1. Changed : Show notice only to admins
  2. Added : Filter registered users and guests on Dashboard


  1. Adapted: Compatibility with wpDiscuz 5.1.3


  1. Added : Font-Awesome lib is updated to version 5


  1. Adapted: Compatibility with wpDiscuz 5.0.0


  1. Fix bug : CSS issue


  1. Fix bug : WordPress database error


  1. Changed plugin update API


Initial Version

Pre Sale Support

7 months 16 days ago

Hi there. I see in the WPDiscuz core that users are given the option to subscribe to all comments in a post, subscribe to replies to their comment only, or not subscribe at all. Is it possible with this extension (or in the core) to set a default subscription to “replies to this comment only”? I did see a previous comment in here that refers to “Keep checked the “Notify of new replies to this comment” option by default” – that seems to be what I want, but the discussion that referred to this was from 2020, so I wanted to confirm that’s still possible. Thank you

7 months 15 days ago

Hello Jeff,

The ‘Keep checked the “Notify of new replies to this comment” option by default’ feature is still available. You can find and manage it in the Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Settings > Subscription and User Following admin page.

This setting is part of the core wpDiscuz settings

7 months 15 days ago

Thank you!

1 year 2 months ago

Hi there. Is it possible to use the ‘send email’ function to send the email to multiple users at once (i.e. bulk send)? Also, is there a WYSIWIG editor, or plans for one? Thank you.

1 year 2 months ago

Hi Mike,

Is it possible to use the ‘send email’ function to send the email to multiple users at once (i.e. bulk send)?

The addon doesn’t have such a feature.

Also, is there a WYSIWIG editor, or plans for one?

We’re really sorry, but this is not planned yet.

1 year 2 months ago

OK, thanks for your quick response 🙂

1 year 10 months ago

How are bounced email addresses handled by wpDiscuz and/or the Subscription Manager plugin? For example, if a comment notification is sent and the message is undeliverable for some reason, will it flag that subscriber somehow?

1 year 9 months ago

Hi Joan,

We’re really sorry, but the wpDiscuz – Subscription Manager addon doesn’t have such a feature.

2 years 13 days ago

Do you offer any discounts to non-profit organizations?

2 years 13 days ago

Hi Janet,

Please contact us via support[at]gvectors.com email address.

2 years 4 months ago

Is there a way to change subscription type with this plugin? Changing user subscription type from “all comments” to “comment”? Thanks.

2 years 4 months ago

We’re really sorry, but wpDiscuz – Subscription Manager doesn’t have such a feature. This kind of option doesn’t comply with GDPR. You can change it in the database.

Okereke Divine
3 years 4 months ago

I just want to confirm if it is possible that with this plugin, someone can subscribe to receive updates from a particular post. That is if they subscribe (using this plugin or any feature you have), they (all subscribed users) should be able to receive an email (at once) if the post is updated.

3 years 4 months ago

Okereke Divine,

I’m really sorry, but this addon doesn’t have any relation with the feature you’re asking. It’s designed to monitor and manage subscribers in the Dashboard.

I may suggest you read this doc. Here you can find all necessary info about the wpDiscuz Subscription and User Following features: https://wpdiscuz.com/docs/wpdiscuz-7/plugin-settings/subscription-and-user-following/

Greg Dougherty
3 years 6 months ago

Where can I find the demo of this add-on? I need the user to be automatically subscribed once they comment. Is this possible? Thanks!

3 years 5 months ago

Hi Greg Dougherty,

Please read this support topic: https://wpdiscuz.com/community/postid/5647/

Sagi Schiller
3 years 6 months ago

Can i (as an Admin) unsescribe a user without buying this addon? I did not find where I can do this simple opertation.

3 years 6 months ago

Sagi Schiller,

We’re really sorry, but we can not provide an admin accesses to the regular users.

Sagi Schiller
3 years 6 months ago

I am not a regular user, I am the Admin. I just can not find where to unsebscribe on of the people who signed in and asking me to take them out of the list

3 years 6 months ago
3 years 8 months ago

With this addon, is there a way to enable “subscription to all comments of this post” by DEFAULT when someone comments for the first time in a single post? I haven’t found that option in the main plugin.

3 years 8 months ago

Hi Jorge,

Please navigate to the Dashboard > Comments > wpDiscuz > Settings > Subscription and User Following admin page and check the “Subscription types in Subscription Bar drop-down” option.

3 years 8 months ago

That’s not quite what i asked. For the subscription bar to work, the user has to input their email address in that field. What I’m referring to is I’d like to have them subscribed to all comments by default when they leave a comment (without having to use the subscribe box, that i chose to have hidden because it doesn’t feel intuitive to me).

3 years 8 months ago

Hi Jorge,

Please note, the default subscription option doesn’t comply with GDPR and they are not manageable. So there is no way to do that.
More info here: https://wpdiscuz.com/docs/wpdiscuz-7/privacy-and-gdpr/

Jacek Rakoczy
3 years 11 months ago

Is it possible to export subscriber data in CSV format?

3 years 11 months ago

Jacek Rakoczy,
You can export the subscriber data from the PHPMyAdmin, just Export the table data and save it as a CSV format.

4 years 1 month ago

Is there a way bulk edit all subscriptions so they are all set to receive replies through email ONLY from their own comments?

4 years 1 month ago
5 years 3 months ago

Hi there,

Is there an option to sync with Mail Chimp and/or to extract all the email addresses so I can use them for Mail Chimp?

Thank you.

5 years 3 months ago

Hi Brando,

I’m really sorry, the wpDiscuz Subscription Manager add-on doesn’t have such a feature.

5 years 5 months ago

We are planning on using this for funeral condolences. Can we manually subscribe a family to condolence threads using the backend dashboard? If we have the family email and we set up an account for them in WordPress, can we then manualy subscribe them to a thread , or do they have to use the frontend website to subscribe?

5 years 5 months ago

Hi Kurt,

I’m sorry, but this add-on doesn’t have such a feature.

Pavel Polívka
7 years 2 months ago


Is this great plugin completely translated into Czech language?

7 years 2 months ago

You can translate it using wpdiscuz_sbm.POT files located in /languages/ folder of this addon.

7 years 5 months ago

There are lots of reasons why admin should see subscriptions.
And all users also can see their subscriptions in Dashboard Profile Page. If you allow them to go this page they will be able to see “Your Subscriptions” menu and manage own subscriptions.

6 years 11 months ago


About: ” And all users also can see their subscriptions in Dashboard Profile Page ”

Is it frontend manager? Or they access admin page?
Where is demo? Or any sreenshot of autho comment subscription?


6 years 11 months ago

This is only available in Dashboard. Users should have access to Dashboard > Users > Your Subscriptions page. There is no front-end option yet. We’ll add it in future releases. There is an alternative addon to see users subscriptions on front called wpDiscuz Comemnt Author Info. Please check it here:


KuiKi Koo
6 years 11 months ago

1) Please update me know for Next release. I will purchase subcription manager. What can i do to get notification release for this plugin.

2) https://gvectors.com/product/wpdiscuz-comment-author-info/
The widget subcription plugin is too much function that i don’t need.

7 years 3 months ago

Tom, I sure would like to know how you got to this screen. I don’t have “Your Subscriptions” under Users and I don’t see any way to enable it. Everything I’m using is up-to-date as of today.

7 years 3 months ago

Have you purchased wpDiscuz Subscribe manager anddon and installed?

7 years 3 months ago

Sorry. Somehow I thought you were describing a base-level functionality. But I still don’t get what you mean by: allow users to see their Dashboard Profile Page. I’m using Ultimate Member for profiles. How would a user see the Dashboard Profile Page you’re talking about?

Also, I’m on the fence if I want to use wpDiscuz for email notifications at all, simply because it’s confusing. You have a weird little box with only two choices:

Notify of new follow-up comments.
Notify of new replies to my comments.

I’m guessing what you mean is:

Notify me of all new comments on this post.
Notify me of all new replies to my comments on this post.

But it would be nice to not need to guess. What is the significance of “follow-up”? Are follow-up comments somehow different than just comments? Why?

Then you have a submit button next to it, except instead of saying “Submit” (or equivalent) it has a > which usually means something like “find out more” or “see more.”

If I click it, I’m surprised to learn I have subscribed. Wait, what? What happened to notify? Why would you switch terms in the middle of a user interaction?

Then you have another notification option just above the Post Comment button. Fortunately, that goes away after choosing a subscription option above. But until then, it just adds to the confusion.

Why not put everything in one place, and add one more option:

Subscribe me to all new comments on this post.
Subscribe me to all new replies to this comment only.
Subscribe me to all new replies to all my comments on this post.
Subscribe me to all new replies to all my comments on all posts.

Anyway, the system is offputting as is, and I’m not sure I want to subject my readers to it.


7 years 6 months ago

Dear buyers,
this is the right place where you can ask all per-sale questions you have, before purchasing this plugin. We’ll be in touch and reply within 1-2 hours for GMT +1 to +12 and within 4-6 hours for GMT -1 to -12. Our customer support representatives are available 7 days a week from 6am to 10pm (GMT 0:00, London) ; excluding all major holidays.

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