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[Solved] Old posts Cross posting not working

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I tried it many times, even by creating auto sync option multiple times, but its not working. Every time it says but skipped due to already posted.


  • Total: 8 posts
  • Cross-posted: 0 posts
  • Skipped (already cross-posted): 8 posts

All my posts are published public posts.

please help me resolve this.

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Hi @amitkool21,

Please provide admin access to your website, send the credentials to info[at], mention this topic in the email and let me know here that the email is sent.


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@kylew Email sent, please check.

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@kylew I have received an email saying that the password is changed for my site. Was that you guys...?? Or sould I report...??

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No, we hadn't logged in your website yet. Just going to check the cross posting.

Let me know when you finish with that problem so I would log in and check the Cross Posting

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@kylew You are good to go and login now, please check the issue as soon as possible.

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any update...??

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We don't have an issue with the addon, the problem comes from your website.

Please create a staging website and provide access. We don't want to make changes on your website, as it may be big work to do. 

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@kylew Please find below the staging site.


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We have tested the staging site.

So the issue is that you use a builder which adds shortcode in the post content, and wpForo plugin cannot work with those shortcodes. Even if we change wpForo to work with the shortcodes the Cross Posted Post in wpForo would be with crushed content.

Example topic, here wpForo works with the shortcodes but the Topic content and wpForo Codes are cashed:

The reason why the content is crushed, it's because of the JS and CSS which the builder use on the posts, but cannot be used in wpForo topic content.

In this case, we recommend you to change wpForo Cross Posting Content Option from Full Content to Custom.

This is the only way to Cross post your Custom Builder Posts(which have lots of shortcodes) without any Crushes, Clean and beautiful.

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I changed wpForo Cross Posting Content Option from Full Content to Custom bu the problem still remains, posts are not getting cross posted on forum. By the way earlier I was able to cross post a post to forums, but I later I deleted it. So I think issue is something else.

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@kylew take a look at this forum post.

this one is posted perfectly, but the cross posting is working in staging site only but not on the main site, even though the staging site is a clone of the main site.

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Please take a look at this video also, I tried to turn off the cross posting, but that also is not working on the main site. Later I also even tried deactivating all my plugins and then turn on only wpforo plugin, but still the same, cross posting is not turning off for the said post and the not really even get posted. Please help me to get this issue sorted as soon as possible.


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From the Blog to Forum Cross posting Field, select the Forum where the post should get cross posted, then insert the needed content, in Cross Posting Custom Content Field.

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Posted by: @kylew


From the Blog to Forum Cross posting Field, select the Forum where the post should get cross posted, then insert the needed content, in Cross Posting Custom Content Field.

I don't see any Cross Posting Custom Content Field anywhere, could you please enlighten me on that ?

By the way as per the video I posted in my above post, why the the cross posting is not getting turned off in main site...?? cross posting is working fine on staging site, but not on main site... why is that...?? you can check the below link.


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Posted by: @kylew


From the Blog to Forum Cross posting Field, select the Forum where the post should get cross posted, then insert the needed content, in Cross Posting Custom Content Field.

Could you please take a look into this matter as I want to start the site as soon as possible. The plugin is not working on the main site.


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Ok, I found the Cross Posting Custom Content Field and inserted my content, but its not working as I want (may be because of builder elements), But now its not even allowing me to delete the content which I inserted (please check the video)


2nd query repeat from last post

(By the way as per the video I posted in my above post, why the the cross posting is not getting turned off in main site...?? cross posting is working fine on staging site, but not on main site... why is that...?? you can check the below link.)

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Hi @amitkool21,

I'm so Sorry for the late response,

As I mentioned in my posts, you can use the Cross Posting in the staging site because of our manipulations on wpForo, but that crushes the content of wpForo. Also mentioned in the post.

Checking the Cross Posting Custom Content Field issue, would be back after testing it.


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Hi @kylew,

This problem also happens because of the editor plugin. After deleting the Content from "Cross Posting Custom Content" Field, the addons tries to use the Posts Content, but because of the shortcodes that doesn't work as well. 

We have customized the code of the addon in your website so now you can remove the content from the "Cross Posting Custom Content" but you need to follow these steps.

1. Check "Turn off Cross Posting" Checkbox, and then press Update Button

2. Now remove the Content from the Cross Posting Custom Content field and press Update Button.

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on main site its not even showing me any checkbox for "Turn off Cross Posting", but it was available in the past.

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I guess you are not understanding my issue.

In past I was able to use it on the main site even with the Editor Plugin (but without builder elements), But now its not cross-posting the posts on main site and as my earlier posted video its not even turning off.

I'm going on a three month Europe trip in next 15 days and wanted to start the website before my trip (So I could update my blog on the run), but suddenly I found that it wasn't even working as it used to be. I tested it on this same website (main site) in past, thats why I'm saying there's an issue.

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You should be able to cross post the needed WP Post.

Open the post, select the forum where the Post Should be Cross posted as wpForo Topic.

Insert the Text in Custom Content Field and press Update.

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Please just forget about the Custom Content Field for a moment and try to understand the issue.

1. Previously

2. I successfully cross posted this WP Post to forums, please check this link after admin login :::

3. After successfully posting that post, it looked like this in the main site forum :::>


But now I'm not able to post it in the same way, neither I'm able to disable the cross posting.(as per my earlier posted video)

So I want your help to find out that why its not working, I have tried disabling all the plugins also, But it was still the same.

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The addon cannot cross post your post, because of the editors shortcodes.

Disable that editor, remove the shortcodes from the post, and try again.


  1. I have disabled the Editor Plugin in your staging website.
  2. Removed all the shortcodes from the Posts, check here:
  3. Created a new Auto Cross Posting Rule in the Cross Posting settings:
    Europe (category) > forum test (forum)

Now Go to Auto Cross Posting Settings Page, and Press the synch button, The Synchronization would work normally as the Editor Plugin has been deactivated and all the shortcodes have been removed from the Post.

Until you use the Editor plugin and your posts have the editor's shortcodes in there, you would be able o use the cross posting addon only with Custom Content Field.


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Hey Kyle,

I'm not being offensive, So please don't take it otherwise, But please try to understand my issue..... you are just working so hard to tell me how this plugin works, but what I'm trying to say is "This plugin worked for me perfectly to cross post a WP post couple of months ago, with all my standard settings and Editor Plugin, but now its not working" are just trying to find a way to somehow get it working for me, but you are not focusing on what I'm saying.....If I'm not clear, then just please let me know, I'll try to explain it in a more detailed way.

The workaround that you did this time has messed up the main page of the website.

Check it here :::

It should look like this :::


I understand that the plugin won't work with the builder elements in a post, but it should work with a simple post, which I tested in the past and it worked perfectly (It worked with my Editor Plugin too, but without special builder elements).

Earlier I successfully used it on this post :::

And the result was simple and straight like this :::>


So from now on please try to focus on this post only and leave the other posts, this plugin won't work with them.

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please check the live site.

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Perfect, Thank you so much Kyle.

Could you please let me know what was the issue...??... Just in case If I come across it again.

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It's that Builder.

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But how come its working now even with the Builder ?

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Our Devs worked on that to make it work as much as possible.(Coding)

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@kylew I still don't understand that if that's the case, then how it worked earlier...??... Anyways, do I need to keep that plugin which your guys installed WPIDE, or can I remove it ...??

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You can remove that plugin.

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