I downloaded a plugin that caused my WordPress Admin Dashboard to crash. I used Jetpack to revert to a day-old version where everything was working great, but my WPForo reverted to it's stock form, with no posts or comments, and the original forum categories. At WPForo's dashboard, it prompts that there is a WPForo Database Update problem, and to use the Troubleshoot to correct it. If I let the troubleshooter button correct the issue, I suddenly have three different categories in my WP Dashboard: WPForo, StormCloud Forum (my blog's forum), and then the stock "Forum" one. On my forum, it shows some of the old comments, but incorrectly attributes them to one author, and on another the comments are hidden altogether. On the original articles, the comments show correctly with no issues.
Please help me correct this. It's incredibly confusing and I'm at a lost of how to fix it. If it helps, I did delete the plugin that caused the issues.Â