I've just purchased "Comment Author Info" and installed and activated it. But none of the features are displaying - I'm only seeing the default wpDiscuz
I have installed on a site that is part of a WP multisite.
Please help.
Please delete all caches and leave some example URL to allow us to check it.
Here's the latest post and we've put two comments - no bio info, and Matthew is marked as "member" but it should be "author" https://ageofrobots.net/new-algorithm-efficiently-finds-antibiotic-candidates-2/
Here's another where Matthew is an Administrator (with bio etc). https://ageofrobots.net/new-hardware-could-curb-ais-energy-hungry-appetite/
The version of the addon is 1.1.3 and wpDiscuz is 7.0.2 (there is no update available for the addon to go to a version 7 - I only purchased it a few weeks ago). Still need help.
The addon section in the dashboard says the addon is activated but in the settings there is no addon and still no sign of it on the site.