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Featured Images Not Displaying for Newer Posts after Plugin Activation

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We installed wpDiscuz and also purchased and installed wpDiscuz Media Uploader yesterday. I noticed a few hours later that about 10% of my posts are no longer displaying their featured images when the post is viewed. I tried renaming and reuploading the images, and they would only display temporarily before disappearing again. The images are still attached to the posts, they just won't display. We have never had this issue until installing these plugins yesterday. It only seems to be affecting newer posts made after around February of this year.

We run a fairly large business/membership site with a lot of users, so we would really like to get this fixed soon if possible. If you need access to the site, we can create an account for you (the posts/pages are all behind the member paywall). Thanks so much for your help!

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Okay, looking through our Cron events, we found this:


This schedule is added by another plugin and cannot be deleted
10800 (3 hours) Every 3 hours

All our images from the last 5 months are breaking every 3 hours even if we reupload them, so this seems to be the culprit? Is there any way to disable this action permanently? I've already disabled all the generate thumbnails checkboxes and turned off "Generate Thumbnails Via WP-Cron" in the plugin settings (see attached screenshot), but this action is still running every three hours. If it's not this one, something else is running at around the same time interval that is messing up all our images.

At this point, it's too late for us to go back to our backup from before we installed this plugin yesterday because of member payments and renewals. The glitch is really damaging our site, so I'm hoping we can get some help for this soon. Thanks!

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thumbnails disabled
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We don't find such an issue on our test websites. Please create a dev/staging copy of your website in some sub-domain, make sure the problem exists and send admin details to info[at] email address.

You can use the Duplicator plugin to create that site.

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So the tricky part is that this is a Cron problem, and our webhost (Siteground) does not allow Cron to run on any Wordpress staging sites. I've asked them to change that in the past, but it's a pretty firm policy on their side.

I think what we really need is some kind of function or filter that would disable that specific Cron task (wpdiscuz_generate_thumbnails_every_3h). For whatever reason, turning off that option in the WPDiscuz program settings does not disable/remove the task from Cron. We can still see it in WPCrontrol, and it still runs every 3 hours. It might be a plugin conflict or something, but it's very hard for us to pinpoint.

I noticed in your API that there is a similar filter for the Cron task that deletes unattached files ( Is there anything like that for this generate thumbnails Cron task? Or even just a generic function we could put in functions.php to see if it will turn it off?

We can definitely give you admin access to our main site if that would be helpful. Thanks so much for your help!

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The issue is already fixed by our developers. Please update the wpDiscuz plugin to the latest version, delete all kinds of caches and check again. 

Just make sure the option shown in the screenshot is enabled:



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Additionally, we recommend that you use this plugin:

This should work better.

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So unfortunately, when we installed the newest version of the plugin, it actually broke every thumbnail on our website, not just the ones from the last 5 months. This was pretty catastrophic since our site has over 700 posts/pages and 3000 paying users who access the site quite regularly.

We then turned off the WPDisquz plugin and were eventually able to fix all the thumbnails by installing a plugin called "Regenerate Thumbnails."

Given that our thumbnails all disappeared so quickly after the WPDisquz plugin was activated, my guess is that it is doing something to all the thumbnail entries in the wp_posts or wp_postmeta tables of the database that is breaking everything. I don't know if this is some kind of theme incompatibility with the thumbnail sizes used by our theme (the7)? I didn't see any actual thumbnail files missing in our Uploads folder, and I don't imagine it could have actually regenerated that many thumbnails within a minute or two of the plugin's activation.

I'm not sure how to move forward at this point. We're almost afraid to reactivate the plugin since we know it will immediately break all the images on our site. I think the only way is if we had some kind of function or filter that would force disable the wpdiscuz_generate_thumbnails_every_3h task that we could add to functions.php or something like that. It's unfortunate that it runs as soon as the plugin is activated. Since the thumbnail regeneration is not working on our site, we really need to be able to use your plugin without it. Everything else on the plugin seems to work great, and we love the comments features and media uploads.

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Please send the admin login details to info[at] email address. I'll ask the developers to check the issue for you.

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@astgh Done! We sent an email with admin login access. Thank so much for looking into this.

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 6090


As far as we understand, this is your live website. It is too difficult to check it on the live site.

We have to ask you to create a dev/staging copy of your website in some sub-domain and send admin details to us. You can use the same Duplicator plugin to create that site

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