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[Closed] Wpdiscuz comment box background color

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Hey, i just can't find any setting or information how to change the background color of the reply part. You can see in the picutre what part i mean. Any help would be appreciated



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Illustrious Member Admin
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Please use the following CSS code: 

#wpcomm .wc-reply .wc-comment-right {
background-color: #ff0000;

The CSS code should be added in the "Custom CSS Code" textarea, located in the Dashboard > Comments > Settings > Styling tab. 

Please don't forget to delete all caches and press Ctrl+F5 (twice) on the frontend before checking to reload the updated CSS file.    

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 I added the CSS code but still nothing happening. I don't know what im doing wrong. Feels like ive tried every possible css code. Im hard refreshing and checking with different browsers, even with phone but its not chaning the color.



Illustrious Member Admin
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Please leave some example URL to allow us to check it. 

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Topic starter this is the site im editing and where the picture is taken

Illustrious Member Admin
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We don't see any replies there. If you have some cache plugins please deactivate the plugin and check again.

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Oh sorry, looks like i need to confim the comment first. I took a screenshot. So the CSS CODE you gave works there.

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 I approved the comment. Well good to know how to edit that part too but still cant target the right one

Illustrious Member Admin
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Posted by: @miimie

 I approved the comment. Well good to know how to edit that part too but still cant target the right one

Don't follow you. Please explain in other words.

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I mean the CSS code you gave changed the part whats pink in pictures. Im trying to change the part whats on top of it

Illustrious Member Admin
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Please see the screenshot below: 


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@astghik Yes that part! 🙂

Illustrious Member Admin
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Posts: 6058

ok @miimie, then use this code:

.wc_comment_level-1 > .wc-comment-right {
background: #544646 !important;

Please don't forget to change the red marked code before using. 

miimie reacted
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@astghik Yes that worked!! thank you so much for you help!!

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