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Two Comment sections

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Am I missing something to replace the old comments section with the new wpDiscuz comment section.

You can see on the post below that first it has the custom comment section but then there is another comment section below it?


Famed Member Admin
Joined: 9 years ago
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Hi @khaslar22,

This is not wpDiscuz issue for sure. This is a theme template file issue or this is a page builder issue.

If you use some page builder to create it, please make sure you've not put the comment section twice.

If you don't use any page builder please let us know what theme you use. What change have you done in this theme single post template file? And if it's possible, please zip that theme and attach to this support topic. We can set this topic private so only you and support theme can access to that theme files.

Lastly, I'd also recommend disable all plugins, delete all caches, and check it again. This maybe plugin conflict too.

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I appreciate your help!


I tried disabling the plugins, clearing the cache and checking again which did not work.


It is the Morpheus theme. It may be kind of an old theme. I doubt I made any changes to the single post template. I'm trying to attach the zip folder but it keeps saying filetype not allowed.


Thanks again!


Illustrious Member Admin
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Hi @khaslar22,

Could you please send admin login details to info[at] email address to allow us to check it? 

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Just emailed. Thank you so much!

Support Team
Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 101

Hi @khaslar22,

In the single.php file of your current active theme, the comment form is called twice. There are two functions:

  • comments_template () (line 175)
  • coll_output_comment_form() (line 183)

Please comment out the code from line 177  to 185 or delete it as shown in the screenshot.

single php

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Thank you so much!! I will go leave a great review=)

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