1. Is it possible to add the rating for a post into a posts archive grid (a specific page where all posts are shown like a search page)? Is it possible either through shortcode, meta key or some other way in wpDiscuz 7?
2. Is it possible to add inline commeting on Wpdiscuz 7 through a page builder. In my case i'm using elementor pro and all text is in frontend rather than the backend. Would this be possible when using as an elementor template?
1. Is it possible to add the rating for a post into a posts archive grid (a specific page where all posts are shown like a search page)? Is it possible either through shortcode, meta key or some other way in wpDiscuz 7?
I'm really sorry but there is no way to do this.
2. Is it possible to add inline commeting on Wpdiscuz 7 through a page builder. In my case i'm using elementor pro and all text is in frontend rather than the backend. Would this be possible when using as an elementor template?
Yes, you can add the inline commenting by using the [/wpdiscuz-feedback] shortcode.
Here is the simple example, on how to use the shortcode:
[wpdiscuz-feedback id="4mjpcw50aa" question="By the way! Do you agree with this?" opened="0"]
Please note:
id: should be different for each inline comment
question: the displayed comment
opened: the feedback button display type(opened/closed)
@elvina, Inline comments don't seem to be working on my site for some reason. I've even tried using the backend in Wordpress without Elementor like in the documentation but it still doesn't seem to work.
I have the latest beta installed and have inline comments enabled. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.