When studying and implementing actions on this documentation https://wpdiscuz.com/docs/wpdiscuz-documentation/settings/social-login-and-share/facebook-app-configuration/
The result is as follows:
- there is an endless download: http://prntscr.com/lxql8u
- authorization does not occur
Project: https://vkd.kiev.ua/shcho-robyty-koly-vas-zatrymaly/
Hi @webdev159,
We've just checked your website and Facebook social login works fine.
By default, browsers block pop-ups from automatically showing up on your screen. Just need in the "Pop-ups" section, select "Allow all sites to show pop-ups."
More info here:
- Allow pop-ups in Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95472?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en
- Allow all pop-ups on Firefox: http://www1.udel.edu/it/help/popups.html
Arina, thank you.
You are right that was the problem.
Now everything is OK 🙂