wpDiscuz – Report and Flagging

wpDiscuz-Comment-Report-Flagging128-siteFlagging a comment tells admins that a comment requires moderator attention. This addon comes with complete package of very useful functions and tools, which automatically moderates all comments based on number of flags and down votes (dislikes).  In other words, website visitors will help you moderate bad comments. Those will be automatically unapproved or trashed once the maximum number of flags and dislikes is reached. Moreover, it allows visitors to report comments choosing bad comment category and writing some  description/reason. Addon keeps you informed by email notifications about new comment reports and new auto-moderated comments.

Official wpDiscuz Addon

Please note: this is an add-on for wpDiscuz plugin. This addon requires at least wpDiscuz 7.0.0 version. Please do not install this addon on lower wpDiscuz versions. wpDiscuz is a free, AJAX controlled, real time, flexible and responsive commenting plugin. It's available for free download on WordPress.org Extensions directory. The official wpDiscuz addons are only available here at gVectors.com Premium plugins store.

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wpDiscuz Comment Report and Flagging Features

  • Add multi-functional Flag button on all comments. Works with two modes.
  • Comment flagging
  • Comment flagging and reporting
  • Pop-up comment report form with bad comment category chooser and report  message.
  • Two modes of comment auto-moderation : unapprove and trash
  • Comment auto-moderation based on number of flags and reports
  • Comment auto-moderation based on number of down-votes and dislikes
  • Email notification to admin with new comment report detail and visitor message.
  • Email notification to admin once a comment is reached the maximum number of flags and dislikes
  • Option to set comment moderator email address
  • Options to manage email notifications subject and content
  • Option to allow/disallow guests to flag and report comment
  • Option to add/edit/remove bad comment categories on “Comment Report” pop-up form
  • Quick translation of all front-end phrases with individual fields per phrase.


Installation and Configuration

  • This addon installs like any other plugin for WordPress.
    Access to wpDiscuz Report and Flagging is provided immediately after you’ve paid for your order. Upon completing registration/checkout, you may log in at gVectors.com. We will also send you an email after registration/checkout, with a link to the login page. Then download the installation package.
  • Navigate to Dashboard > Plugins > Add New admin page and upload addon ZIP file, then activate it.
  • Once the plugin is active, go to Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Settings > Addons Tab > Report & Flagging subTab to begin configuration.
  • It’ll ask you to activate with license key you got via email or in your account page, just insert the key and activate it.


If for some reason you cannot install this plugin using WordPress plugin upload system please do that with this alternative way. Unzip (uncompres), and then upload the /wpdiscuz-report-flagging/ folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory using an FTP application like FileZilla; or any other FTP program is fine also. Make sure you have not double /wpdiscuz-report-flagging/wpdiscuz-report-flagging/ directories nested inside each other, please correct this before you continue. Then in WordPress, go to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins, and then activate the wpDiscuz Report and Flagging addon.

Front-end – wpDiscuz Report and Flagging


Dashboard – wpDiscuz Report and Flagging Settings



  1. Fixed: Text domain loading issue.


  1. Fixed bug: issue with self-reporting.


  1. Fixed bug: Small issue with comment auto-moderation


  1. Added: Args for newly added hooks


  1. Fixed Bug: Prevent saving empty values for ‘Bad comment categories’
  2. Fixed Bug: Auto moderation email message saving issue
  3. Added: 3 actions after flagging/reporting ( wpdiscuz_rf_flagged, wpdiscuz_rf_down_voted, wpdiscuz_rf_reported )


  1. Fixed : Multisite issue.


  1. Added: Automoderation when the “Enable comment reporting pop-up form for guests” option is enabled.


  1. Compatible with WordPress 5.7


  1. Added: Allowing to disconnect license


  1. Compatible with WordPress 5.5


  1. Fixed bug: issue with creating tables in case of multi-site networkwide activation Compatible with WordPress 5.5 version


  1. Fixed Bugs: Mobile view and RTL CSS Issues (if you have custom CSS code to fix old previous version issues, you should check again and remove some of them to avoid current fixed CSS conflicts)


  1. Compatible with wpDiscuz 7 version


  1. Optimized: Addon update checking system


  1. Changed : wpDiscuz v5.3.0 compability


  1. Changed : Show notice only to admins


  1. Adapted: Compatibility with wpDiscuz 5.1.3


  1. Added Option : Notify admin when comment is flagged.
  2. Added : .POT file


  1. Added : Font-Awesome lib is updated to version 5


  1. Adapted: Compatibility with wpDiscuz 5.0.0


  1. Changed plugin update API


  1. Compatible with wpDiscuz 4


  1. Fixed Bug: Create tables


  1. Fixed Bug: Responsive issue


  1. Fixed Bug: Issue with CDN service


  1. Added. Guest can report through selecting ‘report type’ and send a message
  2. Added. Option allows guests to send message with flag
  3. Added. Email field for guests
  4. Added. Phrases for quick translate: ’email errors’ and ’email field placeholder’
  5. Fixed Bug: Guest IP address connection


Initial version

Pre Sale Support

1 year 14 days ago

Hello, is it possible that a comment is automoderated if it doesnt have enough upvotes after some time

1 year 9 days ago

We’re really sorry, but the wpDiscuz – Report and Flagging addon doens’t have such a feature.

1 year 11 months ago

Can we block automatic on every report from users?

1 year 11 months ago

You can use the options below:

  1. 1. Do auto-moderation if comment is flagged more than X times.
  2. 2. Do auto-moderation if comment is down voted more than X times.
Brian Bakker
2 years 1 day ago

My app won’t be allowed in the playstore because WPdisquz is lacking moderation features. This add-on fixes the report option for violation. However Google also demands that users must be able to block each other, am I correct that this not possible in wpdisquz?

2 years 1 month ago

Can we customize the background and text colors?

2 years 1 month ago

Please clarify a bit what you mean.

2 years 1 month ago

When someone report there is an popup, can we change the color of this ? and same for the text from this popup ?

2 years 1 month ago

Sure you can. Use the CSS code below:

.fc-email-form.fc-popup {
background-color: #a3a3a3;
color: #912e2e;

Please change the values before using.

Michael Autin
2 years 7 months ago

Hello, would it be possible to send the notifications / reports to the post author? I would like to author to be informed of any reports and auto moderations.

Thanks Michael

2 years 7 months ago

Hi Michael Autin,

Thank you for your interest in the wpDiscuz – Report and Flagging addon.

You can use the “Admin Email” field. Just fill in the email addresses of the post authors, so they’ll get the email notifications as well.

Michael Autin
2 years 7 months ago

Hi Astghik,

I would like it on a per post basis. I will have many different authors. I only want them to get the message when a comment were they are author was moderated.

2 years 7 months ago

Dear Michael Autin

You can use the following hooks to make customizations:

1. wpdiscuz_rf_flagged
2. wpdiscuz_rf_down_voted
3. wpdiscuz_rf_reported

3 years 10 months ago

Sou do Brasil e o dólar está um pouco caro. É possível um desconto na licença para um site?

3 years 10 months ago

Please contact us via info[at]gvectors.com email address.

5 years 3 months ago

Hi there
Where on the WordPress dashboard is the number of reports and the report messages for each comment available to see?
Thank you

5 years 3 months ago

Hi maroelamedia,

I’m sorry but there is no way to see the number of reports and the report messages in the WordPress dashboard.

5 years 3 months ago

Thank you guys!

6 years 3 months ago

Hello, We plan to implement your comments. We have developed a voting game. Screen which display 2 person name grouped as pair(We have Unique ID for each pair). We need to display/filter comments posted to specific pair. Is this is possible with your comments plugin.

6 years 3 months ago

Hi Hari,

Thank you for your interest in the wpDiscuz plugin. Your question has no any relation to this addon.
Please open a new topic in gVectors forum ( https://gvectors.com/forum/how-to-and-troubleshooting/), and provide a bit more information. It would be better if you leave your website URL.

7 years 7 months ago

Sorry I’m new to this but the price is $25 / year so that means we would need to pay $25 every year to get the update,. Otherwise we’ll only have the old version after 1 year. Is that correct? And what’s the difference between basic support and premium support? Thank you.

7 years 7 months ago

Yes, but there is no subscriptions, you pay manually after 365 days if you want. The old version will always be available for you. More info: https://gvectors.com/terms-and-conditions/#licenses

Support Policy: https://gvectors.com/support-policy/

Kalle Kniivilä
8 years 3 months ago

Can this plugin be translated?

8 years 2 months ago

Hi Kalle,
All our addons has own translation POT file in /languages/ subDirectory. You can use that for translation.

8 years 4 months ago


I would love such more advanced auto-moderation rules like:
“Do auto-moderation if comment is down-voted more than X times” AND Percent_of_down_votes is higher than Y %
So we could set up such conditions where:
comment is down-voted more than 10 times” AND Percent_of_down_votes is higher than 66 %

Obviously the recent solution of:
“Do auto-moderation if comment is down-voted more than 10 times” can mean a too much or a too little threshold. If there are “only” 11 down votes beside 200 up vote, that is not surely a comment-must-be-moderated.

And I think this is not a huge developer task 🙂

8 years 3 months ago

Hi Van,
There will not be such an issue, if you have +200 and -11 votes the sum will be +189 and it’ll not be auto-moderated.
The auto-moderation logic based on the sum, not only on the negative votes.

8 years 3 months ago

Hi VaroS,

I understand you.

I think extending the auto-mod logic and giving us more options to select would allow us users to customize the auto-mod process better. In some cases the 30% negative vote is also too much, which is not auto moderated with the current logic.

I would definitely buy the extension if such an advanced, more customizable comment and commenter auto moderation logic would applied…

8 years 9 months ago

Good morning,
I write to you cause we’re interested on this addon, first on one site, but probably after a few days we’ll install it on 7-8, so my question is, could we buy a “1 site license” just for testing and if it fit our requirements upgrade the license to 7 sites?

Michael Rodrigues
8 years 1 month ago

Hi, would like to upgrade my “1 site license” to a “10 site license”, could you please send me the coupon?
Mt order number was 23845

8 years 1 month ago

Thank you for your interest in wpDiscuz Report and Flagging addon. I’m really sorry but this can not be changed to 10 site license, even with an additional price. Our plugin licenses are not upgrade-able.
You should purchase a new 10 Site License. This license allows you get single plugin with approx. 60% discount ($95/10=$9.5 instead of $25). So when you buy a 10 Site License you automatically get 60% discount, there is no additional coupon for this.

8 years 9 months ago

Hi Víctor,
thank you for your interest in wpDiscuz Report and Flagging addon. We have Single Site, 3 Site and 10 Site licenses for each product. You can buy Single Site License and then, whenever you want just contact us for the 10 Site License. We’ll send you -$25 coupon code so you’ll get the 10 Site License with $95-$25 = $70 price. If you by 7 separate products with Single Site License it’ll cost you more than $100, even with all discounts. So the 10 Site license with the coupon code mentioned above, will be the best way for you.

8 years 11 months ago

Dear buyers,
this is the right place where you can ask all per-sale questions you have, before purchasing this plugin. We’ll be in touch and reply within 1-2 hours for GMT +1 to +12 and within 4-6 hours for GMT -1 to -12. Our customer support representatives are available 7 days a week from 6am to 10pm (GMT 0:00, London) ; excluding all major holidays.

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