wpDiscuz Emoticons Features
Installation and Configuration
Adding Custom Smile Packages
wpDiscuz Emoticons Addon comes with an awesome smile package, but it also allows you to add new emoticons packages and switch to any package you want. To create a new Smiles package, please follow this instruction:
- 1. Create “wpdiscuz” folder in WordPress /wp-content/ directory
- 2. Create “emoticons” folder in WordPress /wp-content/wpdiscuz/ directory
- 3. Choose a unique name for your new package and create a folder using this name in /wp-content/wpdiscuz/emoticons/ directory. For example “mysmiles“, the end directory will be /wp-content/wpdiscuz/emoticons/mysmiles/
- 4. Copy all files from /wp-content/plugins/wpdiscuz-emoticons/emoticons/ directory to /wp-content/wpdiscuz/emoticons/mysmiles/
- 5. Change the new package demonstration icon mysmiles/icon.png, but do not rename it.
- 6. Delete all images in mysmiles/img/ folder and upload your new emoticons images.
- 7. Open mysmiles/wpsmiliestrans.php file and change new image names for according emoticons’ code.
- 8. Then come back to this page and find the emoticons package switcher.
That’s it. Enjoy comments with smiles and emotions!
Pre Sale Support
How can I use this emoji package on the regular comment editor? I didn’t select to use the rich text editor.
As it’s already mentioned here we don’t recommend disabling the rich editor if you have installed wpDiscuz Emoticons and wpDiscuz Comment & User Mentioning addons. These two addons add new toolbar buttons for selecting “Emojis”, “Stickers”, “Users”. If you disable the rich editor, the addons buttons will be disabled as well. We recommend just disable the toolbar formatting buttons using the next option, instead of disabling the whole rich editor.
Hello, I’m thinking of buying a 1 year license for my site, what happens to the plugin after the license expire. Will we be able to continue using the plugin or will they be forcefully deactivated?
Hi Silva,
The license is only for 365 days and it’s only designed to allow you to get addon updates. But it doesn’t limit the usage of the last version you got during the 365 days. So you can continue to use your last version for a lifetime but you’ll not be able to get new versions updates.
Please read the license agreement here:
I know that WP-Discuz is a front-end for WordPress’ native commenting system. How are these emoticons stored in the WordPress database? If I deactivated WP-Discuz, what would the emoticons look like in the native WordPress comments?
I just want to make sure that nothing important will get lost or look weird if I ever choose to change commenting systems. Thank you for your help!
Hi Alex,
All wpDiscuz addons are designed especially for the wpDiscuz plugin. If you deactivate the wpDiscuz plugin you won’t see the Emoji and Stickers buttons on the comment editor.
The previously added emojis will be displayed in the comment content. In the case of the stickers, only the shortcodes of the stickers will be displaed after the plugin deactivation.
I noticed wpDiscuz base plug-in isn’t compatible with emojis. Is this add-on the only way to enable them?
Also, is it possible to turn off the emoticons? I’m honestly just interested in the emojis.
Thanks for your attention!
Hi Leticia Naomi Obata,
With the wpdiscuz plugin, it’s the best way to use emojis in the comments.
Sure, the option is called “Enable Stickers”. You’d just need to disable it.
Good evening,
before buying your extension I would like to know if I could also install it on a clone of my site?
Hi Christophe,
You can install it on your clone website, but you can’t activate it there. If of course, the clone website is some staging website. In any case, if you don’t activate the addon via the activation key, it’ll not work after one month.
Hello again,
I just bought the license for a site and I saw on my clone that it was really easy to set up, so the problem is solved. 😁
thank you for your answer, does it mean that after one month if I want to do some tests or modifications I can’t do it on my clone?
It bothers me to make manipulations on a site in production.
Emoticon selector metabox on Add/Edit Post admin page to easy insert wpDiscuz Emoticons on Post content.
Please take a picture of this plugin feature to see how it looks! Not in post photos
This feature was already removed. We’ve just updated the addon description.
Just one question, how can I add custom emoji with this?
There are bug
As it is not possible to use Emoticons In Reply comments with Custom Smile Packages
Things are recommended to adding In the next update
It is the pictures in Custom Smile Packages
Not all are loaded when the page is opened
Or pressing in a frame comment
They are only loaded when their icon is clicked on
Because in many cases, more than 30 pictures are loaded
Hi djo,
This is the pre-sale question section, here you can ask the question before purchasing the addons. So please register and open a new support topic in the support forum for deeper support:
How can wpDiscuz Emoticons display icons on Mobile?
Hi Nguyen Quang Hoang,
The wpDiscuz Emoticons display icon on the mobile like on the desktop. You just need to make sure that in the “Load Rich Editor” options enabled the “Mobile and Desktop” options. See the screenshot below:
More info can be found here, also please pay attention in the Note section:
Thank you for the new version, very great ! I just buyed 3 sites licences.
In the 1.x version I can see :
“Replace Post Smile
Enable this option if you want to replace default WordPress emoticons in post/page content.”
But not in the new version 7.

So I can’t use my old emoticons and their shortcuts anymore 🙁
Hi Laurent,
This is not a right place for the support questions. This is a discussion section for pre-sale questions. Please open a new support topic in corresponding sub-forum:
Can I set custom emoticon with this? If I am to be honest, the default ones are ugly.
Hi Silva,
The default ones are not emoticons, they are a set of stickers that can be easily changed. This addon is created to allow you manage emoticons and add whatever you want. This is an emoticons manager tool, this is not a pack of emoticons.
It’ll also add a pack of Emojis in the upcoming version (for wpDiscuz 7). You’ll get two buttons on the editor. One for the Emojis and one for Stickers:

The addon works fine with bbPress, right? Can I also add this to the wpForo forum?
Hi Kennil,
yes, currently you can use wpDiscuz Emoticons with bbPress, But the new version of the addon, which is not launched yet, will not work with bbPress anymore.
I’m sorry, but not. In near future we’ll release wpForo Emoticons addon, it comes with extended features, unique smile packs and smile selector on the topic/post editor.
Can i use gif file when Custom Smile Packages ?
And different from 20×20 ?
Hi Danny,
Thank you for your interest in wpDiscuz Emoticons add-on.
Yes, you can use the gif Custom Smile Package. The add-on also allows to change the 20×20 size.
Can I make my own smiles of different sizes, i.e. different from 20×20, for example, I need to have smiles and 20×20 and 50×20, etc.
Hi xDealer,
I’m really sorry, but you cannot do this. We’ll take this into consederation for future releases.
Hi, wpDiscuz has Emoticons while wpForo has Emojis (why double implementation…..?) . Is there a possibility to synchronize them when using wpForo Cross-posting addon ? I mean both groups to share same individuals code and appearing somehow coherently in both places (comments thread, forum topic).
hi, i already purchased 3 addons for single site,so my question is can i use addon on my localhost for testing purpose ?
You can test it without activation. Please don’t activate addon on local host. It should be activated on end website.
Hi, I want to buy all addons but it adds up to a crazy price. Do you offer a bundle?
Hi Arik,
Thank you for your interest in wpDiscuz addons. As it mentioned in our Sale Packs you’ll get 50% discount, is this good for you?
can i replace smile’s emoticon img? i want replace another picture.
Sure, please navigate to the Screenshot Tab and see the settings screenshot, it shows the custom smile adding options. You can deactivate any emoticons and add new instead of that. Also you can add new packages of smiles.
Can I hide certain emoticons?
Sure, please navigate to the Screenshot tab and see the settings screenshot, it shows grey emoticons. You can deactivate/hide any emoticon with one click.
I was excited to see this was finally released, but it appears to be missing the key functionality that I asked about, so before I spend $, I’d like to get a firm answer. I am looking for Quicktags support in WPDiscuz, not emoticons. I need Bold, Italic, Hyperlink, etc. controls so that commenters (even guests) can make comments with such standard markup. Is this included in this paid add-on or is it planned?
As it’s already mentioned in wpDiscuz > Addon page it’ll be built-in free function. We’re planning to add it in wpDiscuz core in next release.
Dear buyers,
this is the right place where you can ask all per-sale questions you have, before purchasing this plugin. We’ll be in touch and reply within 1-2 hours for GMT +1 to +12 and within 4-6 hours for GMT -1 to -12. Our customer support representatives are available 7 days a week from 6am to 10pm (GMT 0:00, London) ; excluding all major holidays.