Hi, we will use the Board for a Game, so the Custom Fields will bs used to show Game Informations Like Char Name or Relam.
So it would be nice to get the Information shown in a normal topic and not to go over the Profil.
Hi, we will use the Board for a Game, so the Custom Fields will bs used to show Game Informations Like Char Name or Relam.
So it would be nice to get the Information shown in a normal topic and not to go over the Profil.
I asked the question on this post and there was a beginning of answer. However, I still have not been able to display custom fields in the information column of a topic.
For me the Main Feature of this plugin, without it, its useless
This is the complete answer of the plugin creator.
I must say that the support is not very fast on the forum ... He still has not given more explanation on the operation of its code.
This response :
1. This function gets the field information by userId and fieldname and return it. You can print $fieldValue value anywhere you want.
if (function_exists('wpfucfGetField')) {
$fieldValue = wpfucfGetField($userId, $fieldName);
2. This function prints the field information by userId and fieldname with before and after html parameters
if (function_exists('wpfucfTheField')) {
wpfucfTheField($userId, $fieldName, $before = '', $after = '');