Hello. I just bought yesterday the embed addon and I have issue.. When someone is adding more than 5 instagram links then embeds are mix each other. I tried to change in my template css post lenght but it's still doesnt work properly, so maybe it's just embed addon issue? Anybody can help?
Hi ugryzh,
We need URL to the topic where we can check CSS conflict. Where we can see that?
We don't need Instagram image URL, I need the forum page URL, the Forum post URL where I can see the issue.
Could you please remove all custom CSS you've added to fix this issue?
Ok, I see the problem... Somehow the Instagram iframe contains position absolute attribute. i hope you insert Share link, not the hole iframe HTML code. Please only use image share URL in post editor, don't put <iframe> coed.
in any case, please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles admin page, put this CSS code in Custom CSS Code textarea, save it, delete all caches and do Ctrl+F5 on forum front:
#wpforo-wrap .wpforo-post .wpf-right .wpforo-post-content iframe.instagram-media{position: relative !important;}