I've added the Advanced Attachments and Embeds add-ons to our forum, hoping that the links posted there turn into rich links - links that show the photo associated with the link, as well as the title of the product/blog post.
Unfortunately, it seems most links we post in the forum don't show up with the photo, title, or descriptions. This only seems to work with a very small number of links.
Is there any chance these add-ons will be updated at some point to make URLs rich links, similar to the kinds of links you post on Facebook in the comments area?
Here is an example of one of the links we are hoping to see the photo and product title of: https://www.etsy.com/listing/569832655/vintage-oil-can-collection-of-7-cans?ref=shop_home_active_5
Right now, if we post that exact link, it just shows up as a link - no photo, no product title, no description.
I realize we can add photos using the Attach File button, but we were hoping to have rich links for these kinds of URLs instead.
Thanks in advance for your reply.