Let me explain again what i want to achieve, and sorry but my English is very poor when linking words, because my brain is very fast even in my Native Language people don't understand me. {green}:displeased:
I have for example old category with posts: iPhone 2g, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS such old models i need to link to Topics with full content with images.
Then i have new category models, example: iPhone XS, iPhone XS max etc. This i want to sync and expose only the excerpt in the Topics without image, problem is some of this posts have only a image, for them i need to add custom text, because the Add-on does not Sync such Posts without image when i set Excerpt option in the settings.
And now the problem i have is i have sync those old models to topics using your code but i need to revert them back and expose the full post in the topics, i have try different options but it does not work to revert back.
I hope you understand, thank you! {green}:pray: