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[Solved] Revoking attachment permissions to 'Read only' access breaks post layout for non-logged in users + solution

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Hi guys


First off, I don't know if this has been fixed for Advanced Attachments for wpForo 2.x as I have yet to purchase that product.


This is related to the following thread which is now closed



For non-logged in users, if I uncheck the "Can view attached files" checkbox in the Read only access, any non-logged in user will see a broken post layout.


The culprit appears to be this piece of code

version: 2.0.8

File: wpforo-advanced-attachments/includes/class.wpForoAttachmentsTools.php

Line: 222


$attach_html .= '<br/><div class="wpfa-item wpfa-file"><a class="attach_cant_view" style="cursor:pointer;"><span style="color:#666;">' . wpforo_phrase('Attachment', FALSE) . ':</span> ' . urldecode( basename($filename) ) . '</a></div>';



By adding a space between color: and #666 the issue disappears.

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Hi @fawp,

Advanced Attachments doesn't have that issue, Non-Logged-in users with Read only access(Can view attached files- disabled) see the attachments the same as in the below Screenshot

wpforo disabe attached file view


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@kylew Thanks Kyle,


Well, this is the HTML markup being generated

wpf ad at


As you can see, the markup somehow is broken. But, by making that small change, the markup is no longer broken.


I am not necessarily suggesting it is a problem that affects everybody, but it seems to be affecting some users (e.g. me and the other guy who posted the original topic above)

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@kylew I have just noticed that the Topic Starter in the original topic


mentioned the same version for Advanced Attachment as me, which is version: 2.0.8.


He also says when he updated the plugin with a newer version the problem disappeared.


Is it possible this situation was captured and resolved in a newer version?

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Yes, after 2.0.8 has been released 2.1.1 with CSS fixes.

Changelog 2.1.1

  • Improvement: Performance improvement
  • Fixed bug: 404 error “File is not found” when “Secure URLs” is enabled and the file name contains non-Latin chars
  • Fixed bug: Proper clearing attachment shortcodes in unnecessary places (widgets, activity stream, etc…)
  • Fixed bug: CSS Issues
  • Fixed bug: Incorrect displaying of “Allowed max size”next to the attachment button
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Update: the solution above needs to be applied to line 174 as well as line 222

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I just checked in my archives - I had not realized that I had also wpforo-advanced-attachments-2.1.1 and this issue appears to have been fixed in that version: the problem above has been corrected in there and the space is correctly inserted between color: and #666

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