@kylew, thanks for the response. I'm looking forward to the search feature, it would be a major help.
As for my 2nd question, I'm looking for a way to create a thread then add/post a topic or post in the backend of Wordpress and have it show up on the forum's frontend. Even as the Admin, I'm limited to some of the functionality I would like to use when adding/uploading attachments to the forum. I'll list examples below:
- For me in particular, some plugins I use are essential but cannot be integrated with the frontend of wpForo. To get around that problem, using either Wordpress's Add New Post or Page, I generate whatever code I need using those other plugins then copy and paste that code into my forum using the TinyMCE source button. Hopefully, that made sense but the process is time-consuming and tedious. I would like to skip the middle step and create/post from the backend straight to the forum.
- Again this would only apply to me as the Admin, any media I'm going to add to my forum is already on my server (over 8 TB) so it is redundant and extremely time-consuming to need to re-upload all of my content through the frontend of my forum. Most of my time is spent uploading media to my forum when it would literally take me seconds to move files to the proper destination on my server then I could post/add those attachments from the backend directly to the forum.
3. How do I embed an uploaded PDF so that my members can view the PDF instead of downloading it?
You can do it with Right Click and press Open Link In New Tab.
The PDF downloads when I try to Open Link In New Tab but that is not what I was talking about. I would like to embed the PDF directly into the post and have members view the PDF in forum, any recommendations?