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[Solved] Old bbPress attachments don't display after 1.2.7 version!

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Hello i still face this issue with latest updates of wpForo and Advanced Attachment addon.

I m paying every year the license but now i don't think will do that, i did not benefit from the new updates at all, i also think that i deserve a free license if my issue will be resolved so i will benefit for what i paid last year.

Waiting for your input.

Please note this issue started after 1.2.7 version updates, all versions after this version don't display old migrated bbPress attachments in wpForo, so i m stuck with 1.2.7 version until today.

Hope to arrive at some resolution with your help.

Thank you.

P.s. i will keep the latest Advanced Attachment addon so you check that the issue is still there.

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Hi @itesla,

Could you please send admin login details to support[at] email address?

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Hello Tom.

I knew you will ask about this, last time i did not wanted to do that but this time i will create a second admin and send the details to support.

Thank you.

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Ok, I see the issue. It's fixed.

The problem comes from your restrictions and website .htaccess file configuration. You've blocked direct checking of file existence by redirecting file accesses to Join Us page. The old attachments URLs are not accessible when you call them directly. Copy this image source URL below, paste it in the browser address bar and call it. 

It'll redirect you to Join Us page. But this image exists and cannot be checked that.

This returns FALSE for file_exists() functions and wpForo addon doesn't recognize that and doesn't generate image HTML. 

New versions of wpForo addon check if the file exists before adding in the post. This is a good feature but, in your case the checking of file existence returns incorrect value because of your restrictions.

I don't know which plugins have made such things, you should know it better. In any case I just removed the checking of file existence function, and it starts working. I'll add a hook in the addon to disable this function by hook. You'll need to add the hook code to functions.php file of your current active WordPress theme to keep show old bbPress images after updating the addon.


P.S. the reason of all your complaints during the last years were your strict configuration of files and image accesses. That's why you were the only customer who had this problem.




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Put this in the functions.php file of your current active theme to keep showing the bbPress files with future wpForo Advanced Attachments updates:

add_filter('wpforoattach_default_attachment_file_exists', '__return_true');
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It is interesting what you found.

This is a little bit weird, i use hotlink code in Uploads DIR in htaccess the logged in users must be able to view the files, the calls from my domain are allowed and WP post images can be accessed by direct link but the images attached to forum does the redirect which must happen only for non members, i will have a look in files and try find what code does this cause i remember i tested with all plugins disabled and other theme, only wpForo plugins were enabled.

Do you know what can cause such? I remember that i tested without hotlink code and the attachments still did not display.

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Posted by: @itesla

Do you know what can cause such?

No idea.

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Please tell me what you did to make it work, in which file and what code.

Thank you.

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You don't need this change. Just use the provided hook and it'll always work fine. In any case I attached the change in the /wp-content/plugins/wpforo-advanced-attachments/includes/class.wpForoAttachmentsTools.php file:

aa file exists
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So i went and did a little of investigation.
The file you show was not displaying even after your fix, this is because there was something damaged related to it's links possible in database and there was no preview even in {Media > Library} for it. To solve that file i had to go and delete it then reupload and then edit the link to it in wpForo post.
The other files are fine that is why i don't think this was the issue.

Now i went to SFTP and looked at the file modifications last date and detected some suspicious changes, there was something done to [wp-config,php] today it show (12 April 2021) but not sure what exactly also you could have seen my database password which is not desirable, have changed it immediately. I did not bother the [wp-config,php] file for a long time!

After this i think to myself well how you would be able to access it, i went into Uploads DIR and found there a new created Folder [wp-file-manager-pro] which also had (12 April 2021) date did a search and found their possible website, this plugin i never used it and never installed such on my website.

Additionally 2 new folders detected in the Root on the website with today date, they are named.

.quarantine (empty)

.tmb (small images from wpForo attachments)

Please clarify this actions so i can sleep better, thank you.

P.s. i m contacting the hosting support to ask if they did something.

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We had installed and removed two plugins 

  • phpMyAdmin
  • File Manager,

There is no any security issue. You can go and sleep without any worries. 

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We have nothing to do anymore,  just remove the admin account. Your issue was fixed as ive described above. 

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And two more info. 

The wp-config was used by phpMyAdmin admin plugin to let us check the database wp_wpforo_posts table.

The wp-file-manager-pro folder was created by File Manager plugin, which allowed us to check the missing attachments in file system. 

We have not done any changes manually  in your file system,  all were performed by the two helper plugins, and both are currently deactivated and deleted. 

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Hello Tom

Very sorry for my suspicion, you know that i have the most paranoia from all users in WP community.

Thank you for clarification, i can see your honesty in what you wrote.

P.s. i know 99% that i m spied by CIA every day and i have prove, this is the reason i suspect everyone.

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BTW, please exclude wpForo forum page from your cache plugin, this cache plugin caches even the reply form and shows it to guests. The forum page must be totally excluded from WP-Optimize cache plugins, here is a good instruction for you:

2021 04 13 09 08 31


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I have did that now, thank you Tom for all the great support!

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