Admin, thanks a million
Please help me out with the following questions:
1. In a mobile view (chrome and Operamini browsers) all the texts in a topic and its replies appears bold, even when changed to desktop view. In PC however, it is ok with only those I made bold when writing appearing bold and the rest normal. How do I fix that please?
2. Is there a way to enable URL linking only for the admin? I removed the link option in text editor area but I still want the admin to be able to link when creating a topic.
3. All emails (e.g confirm reg., lost password, etc) land in Spam folders of users. How do I fix that at my end please
4. The max avatar size is 2MB default. Can I increase it, how?
5. The only file type I want to enable in media upload is image (jpeg, PNG). How do I remove the rest especially videos
I am sorry if my questions look too obvious. Kinda new in web space. God bless you.
I love the emoticons, will purchase soon {blackemo}:love: