Hello! 🙂
I would like to know if is possible to change the bell icon for a comment icon like the one below.
Thank you in advance.
You should use the custom js code like this one:
jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('svg.wun-bell').html('<path d="M15 0v0c8.284 0 15 5.435 15 12.139s-6.716 12.139-15 12.139c-0.796 0-1.576-0.051-2.339-0.147-3.222 3.209-6.943 3.785-10.661 3.869v-0.785c2.008-0.98 3.625-2.765 3.625-4.804 0-0.285-0.022-0.564-0.063-0.837-3.392-2.225-5.562-5.625-5.562-9.434 0-6.704 6.716-12.139 15-12.139zM31.125 27.209c0 1.748 1.135 3.278 2.875 4.118v0.673c-3.223-0.072-6.181-0.566-8.973-3.316-0.661 0.083-1.337 0.126-2.027 0.126-2.983 0-5.732-0.805-7.925-2.157 4.521-0.016 8.789-1.464 12.026-4.084 1.631-1.32 2.919-2.87 3.825-4.605 0.961-1.84 1.449-3.799 1.449-5.825 0-0.326-0.014-0.651-0.039-0.974 2.268 1.873 3.664 4.426 3.664 7.24 0 3.265-1.88 6.179-4.82 8.086-0.036 0.234-0.055 0.474-0.055 0.718z"></path>'); });
This instruction should be helpful for you: https://www.collectiveray.com/add-javascript-to-wordpress