Hello! There are a few ideas, check:
1. Speed up the animation of opening and closing the block from 500 to 100 ms.
2. The counter is not decreasing now if you click on the comment link. Why?
3. Is it possible to preview a comment in the notification itself?
I totally agree with this. Here are my ideas.
1. Opening and closing the dropdown block is way to slow and unresponsive.
2. I have pointed this out as well regarding the counter not being cleared once you have clicked the bell. That is how Facebook and everyone else does it. Never seen this approach used before. Doesn't make sense.
3. Integrate wpforo notifications as well.
4. Prevent notifications from opening in new tab when you click them. Never seen this approach before either. Check how Facebook does it.
1. Speed up the animation of opening and closing the block from 500 to 100 ms.
A new option called "Notifications' container animation speed in milliseconds." will be added in the next version of the addon, so you'll be able to configure this once the new version is ready.
2. The counter is not decreasing now if you click on the comment link. Why?
This depends on the [MARK_READ_URL] shortcode. The notification will be considered as read if the users click on the link.
3. Is it possible to preview a comment in the notification itself?
Once the new version is added you'll be able to use the [COMMENT_CONTENT] shortcode as well.
I saw the milliseconds option was added in the new update, but I don't see a difference in the animation. The dropdown is still as slow as before even though I change the value.