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Disable email notifications

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Hello There!

I have a maybe strange question, but I will explain.

I bought this addon for the wpDiscuz plugin, and I want to achieve that post-subscribed users only get web push notifications, and do not receive an email notification. The situation is the following: We have a website with lots of comments (there can be more hundred comments a day), and I don't want to notify people that much, and I also think the hosting service wouldn't be happy if I would. So is there any way to disable e-mails? 

I tried to use a return false on the wpdiscuz_before_sending_email hook, but it didn't work. Surprisingly, commenting out the code also didn't work. (Sorry, it should be only a temporary solution ><)

Thanks for your answers, and best Rhaegards,
David Halapi

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Posts: 3
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Joined: 1 year ago

I've the exact same question! 

On my website ALL notifications should go through the User Notifications Addon and not through email. However, for the "subscription" feature you can either only leave it on with email notifications or turn it completely off.


Please Help!

Posts: 6240
Illustrious Member
Joined: 7 years ago


You'll be able to control it in the next version of the wpDiscuz plugin through the wpdiscuz_email_notification hook. The developers will add a new argument, allowing you to easily manage it.

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