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[Solved] Change Existing Comment Status to Private

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Hi Friends - We recently purchased -> wpDiscuz Addons Bundle -> Great AddOns 🙂

How can we change existing comment status to private? 

Also if a comment is awaiting moderation, how can we change existing comment status to private BEFORE we approve that comment?

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Hi @soft-designs,

Please make sure the wpDiscuz Private Comments addon is installed. Then delete all caches and find the "Make as private" button, under the comment forum. You can see all instructions and screenshots in the Description tab of all addons:

wpDiscuz Private Comments 1
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@tomson - Yes - We have done all that, and yes we see the "Make as private" button under NEW comments.

Please read our question carefully:

QUESTION:  Where is the "Make as private" button when editing existing comments, or comments that are awaiting moderation?

In other words, we need ability to change existing comments, that have already been submitted normally -> we need to be able to change those existing comments into private comments.

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Please see the screenshots:

wpDiscuz private comments make it private
wpDiscuz change private topublic
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@tomson - Hi Friends - We are missing those menu items you show in your screenshot above.  We only see one menu item "Edit" - see below:


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@tomson - Hi Friends - We are missing those menu items you show in your screenshot above.  We only see one menu item "Edit" - see below:


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We did more research on this, and it seems there is a BUG about the logic of when an Admin can set existing comment to private.

In the screenshot below, the user is Admin, but admin cannot change any comment posted by another user, admin not able to set others comment to "Private" :


The Admin can only see the "Private" option when editing her own comments.

Issue #1 - We need ability for Admin to edit any comment from any user, and set to "Private".  If the admin edits her own comments, then admin can see the full menus with "Private" option.  However, if the Admin will edit any comment from any other user, the Admin cannot see the "Private" menu.

Issue #2 - Also the normal user cannot even edit their own comment and set to "Private" after the comment is already approved and posted.  So there is no way for normal user to edit their existing comment, and change existing comment to "Private"

We hope this more detailed info will help your team fix the issue.

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The screenshot I've shown you is made by admin, and it can see the editing options of other user, so there is no such bug for sure. Admin is able to set private and unset it for all users.

You should make sure the addon settings are set correctly. Go to Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Settings, scroll down and find Private Comments tab, then manage settings:

wpDiscuz private comments settings
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@tomson - Hi Friend - We just checked our settings, and our settings match exactly what you show in the screenshot above.

However, Admin still cannot set existing comments to "private".

What could be the issue?

ADMIN SignIn: Your support staff has SignedIn to for years using our Google SignIn.  In fact, your support staff just recently used our Google SignIn to check settings.

I have temporarily set your gVectors account to Admin, so you can SignIn and check settings using your email -> "" with our Google SignIn here:

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We cannot use the same login way, because it requires to have logged-in status on the browser. Please provide another way to login. is not available for all our support staff.

The login way you use doesn't work for us. So, please create another admin user and send login/password to support[at] email address. The email address can be yours it doesn't matter, but it should not require us to login via gmail or via other 3rd party ways. In other words, create a direct login way for us.

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@tomson - Hi Friend - For security reasons, our login methodology is coded securely and not easy to change.  Your staff has logged in for years using this same method.

However, I just sent you private email with alternate login account info, please check.

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Ok, thank you @soft-designs,

We've received the email, I'll let you know once the addon is checked.

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Hi Friends - We sent the login info to your private support email.  gVectors support team is the best, thank you so much for understanding.  Before we implemented Google SignIn, we had a ton of spam and hackers.  Now after requiring Google SignIn we have almost no hackers, and no spammers.   My Boss reminded me that it took us many weeks and months of coding and testing to remove the standard WordPress login, and ensure that our Google SignIn completely replaced the less secure WP Login.   Our Google SignIn greatly improves our security, has been a core part of our platform for years, and would be almost impossible to remove.
We set this gVector Support Staff user account to Admin --> Gagik Zakaryan
That user should be able to SignIn as admin here:
Here is a sample comment that Admin role could not set to a private comment:
You can test Admin with the above comment, try set it to private comment, as we could not, however Admin role can set the "parent" of the above comment to private.
So it seems Admin role can set the first comment in a thread (parent) to private but cannot set the "children" of the parent comment to private.  Hope this helps...
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The child comment is already private. You should know that the private status is set to the comment thread, not to a certain comment. So if the parent comment is private, then the whole thread is private as well.


Please read the addon description:

  • Allows to create private comment threads
  • Adds new icon button next to the comment submit button to set the comment as private
  • Adds [private] button to parent comments to set the whole thread as private
  • The private comment thread is only available for website moderators and for the comment author.
  • Option to set certain user roles who are able to set comments as private.
  • Option to set moderators for private comments based on user roles.
  • Option to allow private comments feature for certain comment form and post types
  • Sends email notification to moderators when a new private comment is created.


wpDiscuz Private Comments Thread
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@tomson - Hi Friend - Thanks for your explanation.  We now understand how your AddOn works, and what we thought was a bug, was actually by design.

However, our end-users are very confused, because they cannot clearly understand what is private and what is public.  Our users cannot read the AddOn description above, so they have to rely only on the UI they see on the page.

For example, in the graphic you show above, our users have no clear way to tell that the "child comments" are private.  There is only one small graphic on the parent that indicates private status. 

The end result we face is that our users are very confused on public vs private comments, and therefore will probably not use this feature.

IDEA: Would it be possible to have some CSS code that put some type of background layer behind the whole thread that would indicate that all comments were private?  Or another idea - maybe some clear indicator like "[Private] on each parent and child comment?

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There are two indicators saying the comment and the reply is private:

Screenshot 1

In any case, you can use the following CSS code to change the background color:

#wpdcom .wpd_comment_level-1.wc-private-comment{
	padding: 10px 0 10px 10px !important;
#wpdcom .wc-private-comment{
	background-color: #f5f5f5 !important;
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