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Discuz addons on Buddypress Multisite

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I bought the bundle back in November since I knew I was going to be using it on a multisite installation I am using with Buddypress and I wanted to make sure I had proper license coverage.  I have two questions:

(1) I have the plugins installed (the 5 I am using) as network enabled, but the plugins are asking for a license key on each site they are put on in the network.  I don't want to give out the keys since that would expose them, but I also don't want to have to personally have to activate the plugins every time a new site is created.

Do I have something wrong in the installation, or is that the way it is supposed to be?

(2) wpDiscuz Media Uploader does not seem to work at all on multisite.  I get the paperclip when someone is not logged in, nothing at all when they are.  On another site I have that isn't multi-site, it works correctly.

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Hi @brian-riley,

It seems you've purchased the basic bundle, so wpDiscuz BuddyPress integration was not purchased with bundle license. It's a single site license, and you can use it only on one domain. You should buy wpDiscuz Full Bundle to get wpDiscuz BuddyPress Integration addon with bundle license (unlimited site license):

We can refund the order for Basic Bundle to let you purchase the Full Bundle. Just let us know if you're ok. Also, please note that you'll have to insert new license keys to the addons.


Posted by: @brian-riley

(2) wpDiscuz Media Uploader does not seem to work at all on multisite.  I get the paperclip when someone is not logged in, nothing at all when they are.  On another site I have that isn't multi-site, it works correctly.

Please open a separate topic in the corresponding forum and leave a direct link to the page where we can see the issue:


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Yes, I didn't realize there was a different bundle and bought a copy of the buddypress integration plugin separately.  If we can refund both of those and let me buy the correct bundle I'll do that.  I want to get the site licensed properly.  Will I still have to enter the license keys on each site of the multisite, or will that now be done at the network level?

And did you want me to create a ticket with the order numbers for that?

The other issue will wait until you folks get back from the holidays,  I'll post that separately on the 7th.


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I'm sorry, but nothing will be changed in the license activation way. You'll have to insert the activation keys for each sub-sites. If you want us to issue the refund for the both orders, just reply and confirm.

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@tomson OK, I'll figure out a macro to get those licenses on the subsites.  I really don't want to give members access to them.

And yes, I will buy that other bundle today.  Go ahead and refund the previous two, since I've had them for a month, you can either backdate the licenses on the new bundle to match the dates on the original purchace or prorate the refund for the time I've had it, I'm fine with either.

I'll also document and post the issue I am having with the media uploader as soon as I have everything installed assuming it is still happening.  I don't expect a response on that until after the 7th, just want to get it documented.

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Ok, we've just issued refund for both orders.

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@tomson Thanks Tom

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