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Disable New Comments

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Is there a way for an admin to disable new user comments? Currently, if a someone posts a comment or a reply, the admin can use the lock icon to "Close this thread." But this still allows for new threads to be started.

I would like the ability for an admin to, at any time, close the discussion completely; leaving the previous threads in place.

My situation:
WP Astra Pro 1.8.7, LearnDash, wpDiscuz 5.3.2
When a user (admin or subscriber) posts the first comment, a conversation will ensue. At any time, though, an admin should be able to close the current thread or close the discussion altogether so no new threads may be started. But all previous threads (posts & replies) should remain visible.

This is in regard to LD users uploading assignments for review. Admin & user will discuss the assignment using wpDiscuz. But we'd like to be able to shut down the conversation completely at any time so no new threads can be started.

How might one achieve this?

Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
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Hi @lanetownsend,

WordPress post "Allow Comments" option allows you to hide the comment form if it's unchecked. This option is located on all posts/pages edit page.

1) Make sure the "Discussions" admin-box is allowed using "Screen Options" in "Edit Post" admin page:


2) Find the "Discussions" admin-box below and uncheck the "Allow Comments" option once you decide to turn off comments for the current post.


Another good option, you can use the " X  option. The option is located in the Dashboard > Settings > Discussion admin page.

The article also can be helpful:


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Thanks for the note, @astghik, but unfortunately this doesn't work in my situation for three reasons.

First, we can't disable comments on the post type because we do want users to be able to comment on the post ID until, ideally, that IDs' comments become disabled by an admin.

Next, the posts that users will be commenting on are generated when a user uploads a file. This goes under the post type "Assignment" from the LearnDash system. With LearnDash, the uploaded assignment has comments enabled by default and cannot be disabled, even when finding the post ID of the uploaded assignment, and unchecking the "Allow comments" box. (When I uncheck this box and choose "Update," the box simply becomes checked again when the page reloads.)

Finally, setting the "Automatically close comments on articles older than x days" seems to have no effect. Presumably for the same reason the "Allow comments" check box becomes checked even after unchecking it and clicking "Update."

It would be ideal if there were a button for an admin to disable new comments on a particular ID; similar to how an admin can close a thread. We want our users to discuz their uploads with the admin, but we also want to give the admin the power to close the discussion entirely at any time. (Without this, the user could keep commenting forever without receiving a reply.)

How difficult would this be to achieve?

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Is there any solution for this? I have the same problem!


Thanks u


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