Hi - I renewed wpForo Polls and wpForo Embeds yesterday but have not received the activation keys and don't have my licensed products listed on the "My Account" page.
The order number is #35708
Thanks - I received the activation keys for both products however, after applying the key to the Embeds product, I received the message that, “The number of activation exceeded limit. Please connect with support !”.
The activation key for Polls was successful.
Ok, thank you.
Please use the new license keys. You can find those in your account page:
Thanks @astghik, but I receive the message, “The number of activation exceeded limit. Please connect with support !”
Yes, we see the issue. We'll fix it very soon. I'll update this topic once I get some news for you.
Thanks @astghik!
Could you please try to download the addon now? We'll need to make sure the issue is solved.
All good now. Thank you so much for your support.