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[Solved] Membership Forums not showing for members

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I have seven forums, which are only available to membership plans and have been set in each forum (I have set the permissions to no access for each forum for the usergroups accept the admin). I have set the membership access to standard, with the attached settings:

screenshot standard access


However, when I log into the website as a member, I cannot see the forums or statistics in the footer:

screenshot forums missing


I can see them when I'm logged in as the admin. I greatly appreciate any suggestions. Thank you.

9 Replies
Posts: 4220
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Joined: 10 years ago

Hi @psych,

The membership addon restrict accesses based on Membership Plan <> Forum Access settings in each forum. So please edit each forums one by one and find the that settings. Also, please do not use the classic wpForo theme, it's no longer support. Go to wpForo > Themes and switch it to the 2022 theme.

If you cannot fix the issue, please provide the screenshot of the main category (top parent forum) editing screenshot with membership settings and permissions.

If you have a cache plugin, please make sure all wpforo pages have been excluded from you cache plugin as it's described here:

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Thank you for the reply. I had the 2022 theme activated, set all the forums with the correct membership permissions, excluded the correct pages from caching (WP Rocket and CDN), and cleared all caches but still have the issue. I attached a screenshot of the main category and membership permissions. Thank you.

screenshot membership access



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Posts: 4220

Thank you @psych,

What membership plan is the user you are testing subscribed to?

What usergroup and user role does he/she has? Please edit that user in Dashboard > Users admin page and show a screenshot of the role and usergroup of that user (scroll down to find).

Also, please edit a forum under this parent forum and provide a screenshot of the changes.

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Joined: 1 year ago

Thank you for the reply. I have tested the Yearly and Pro memberships, and they show the same problem. After reading the wpForo documentation, which suggested that I set user roles to have no access and the memberships to have access, which would override the user roles. Currently, and as shown in my above main category screenshot, all user roles except for the admin have no access to the forums. Are you suggesting that I should assign memberships a user role too? Thank you.

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Just a follow-up. I noticed that the WordPress "Subscriber Role" (which members have) did not sync with the wpforo usergroup "Registered" as shown on this page (wpForo Usergroups, Forum Accesses and WordPress User Roles – Frequently Asked Questions – wpForo Support Forum) See screenshot below:

screenshot usergroups synchronize

My usergroup list looked like the below, which is different from the above:

screenshot usergroups

So, all my members that have memberships are not assigned to a wpforo usergroup. I was able to assign a member to the "Customer" usergroup and then change their assignment to the "Registered" usergroup, and the above now looks like this:

screenshot usergroups after

How do I sync all my "Subscribers" to the wpforo "Registered" usergroup? After changing the one subscriber to registered, I still cannot view the forums when logging in. Should my usergroup display look like the first screenshot above. Thank you.


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