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Urgent - subscribers get notifications even though it's disabled

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How do I disable the feature that allows subscribers to be notified when someone reacts to a comment?

I've disabled Settings>Subscriptions>Show "Notify of new replies to this comment" but notifications are still being sent

Already 2 email providers marked us as spammers due to that, please assist.



Illustrious Member Admin
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Posts: 6010

Hi @uri_99,

The option will not any affection if the user has already subscribed to the comment/ comments using one of the wpDiscuz subscription options.

You should ask the users to cancel own subscriptions as described in this doc:

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Posted by: @astghik

Hi @uri_99,

The option will not any affection if the user has already subscribed to the comment/ comments using one of the wpDiscuz subscription options.

You should ask the users to cancel own subscriptions as described in this doc:

Ok - but what about users who subscribed to the comments and used fake email/or moved us to spam etc.?

I can't ask them anything, will I keep sending them notification emails forever? That doesn't make sense + it's killing our email providers!

This post was modified 4 years ago by Uri_99

Illustrious Member Admin
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I may suggest you delete the subscriptions from the database. You can find the subscriptions in the wp_wc_comments_subscription table. 

Please note the wp_ is just a prefix, in your case, it can differ. 



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Posted by: @astghik


I may suggest you delete the subscriptions from the database. You can find the subscriptions in the wp_wc_comments_subscription table. 

Please note the wp_ is just a prefix, in your case, it can differ. 



So what you a suggesting is this:
1. Delete existing subscriptions from the db

2. Disable option to follow comment to prevent future cases


Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
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yes, you should delete the subscriptions, then make sure the options below are disabled:

1. Enable subscription bar, the option is located in the Dashboard > Comments > Forms admin page. More info here:

2. Show “Notify of new replies to this comment”. More info here:  


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