Two questions...
1- User is logged in and gets this message when trying to post comment.
"The CAPTCHA verification failed. "
Using use wordpress session
2- I don't want comment posting available to guests at ALL. How can I turn that off?
FYI... so I went ahead and also bought Google recaptcha plugin.
Still did not work.
Also fails as guest even though you get the "blue check" from google.
The system sits there and processes for about 5 seconds... then you get the message that captcha failed.
I figured out the answer to question #1...
I also run Loginizer and the use on comments box was checked causing an error.
Still... I don't want ANY guests being able to comment, but want them to read them.
They HAVE to sign up to post.
Take that back... It's working for logged in members but failing for guests.
Answering most of my own questions...
You uncheck it on the FORM inside settings.
Could you please explain the current problems again with one single post?
It is unclear how the individual solved this problem. Can someone share clear steps to resolve?
My users get the same error and can't register. "Google reCAPCHa verification failed"
Your issue doesn't have any relation with the issue mentioned in the main topic.
Just follow this one: