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Running all of your comment plugins increases the time to load the plugins page from 8 seconds to 34 seconds

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Eminent Member
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I purchased all of your comment plugins and running the following plugins adds time to load the plugin pager. Running just WPDiscuz doesn't increase the time,

WPDiscuz - no increase - 8 seconds plugin page load time total

Widgets - 5 seconds increase - 13 seconds plugin page load time total

Media Uploader -  - 5 seconds increase - 18 seconds plugin page load time total

Emoticons - 4 seconds increase - 22 seconds plugin page load time total

Front-end - 7 seconds increase - 29 seconds plugin page load time total

----- one more plugin, not comments post

Author & Post Statistics - Emoticons - 5 seconds increase - 34 seconds plugin page load time total

So, I have cut the plugins that I'm running of yours to just WPDiscuz, Widgets and Media uploader (which means that it takes me 18 seconds every time to need to go to the plugins page! Which is horrible.) and even though I paid for the other plugins as well, I just can't afford to have the plugin page take so long to load.

Do you know why your plugins add so much time to loading the plugin page? (And I just mean, LOADING the plugin page)



Famed Member Admin
Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 4217

Ok, lets understand what's going on your website. We have all addons installed on our Addon-demo site and we only have 0.8-1.4 sec differences. Please answer on this question:

  • Do you have cache plugin installed? Which plugin you use?
  • Have you booster plugin to speed-up page load time, something like WP Performance Score Booster
  • Have you logged-out before testing the speed. Because wpDiscuz Front-end moderation has lots of tools, but those are being loaded only for administrators. You should test as guest or as a simple registered user.
  • wpDiscuz Emoticons addon turns on WordPress built-in emoticons filter functions, this may be heavy. Could you please disable "Replace Post Smiles" option before testing?
  • wpDiscuz Media Uploader turns on WordPress built-in Embedding functions. This also may be heavy. Could you please disable "Allow media embedding function" option before testing?
  • And it'd be very helpful if you leave a URL of page you've tested to allow us inspect all website specific issues.

Also please note, we're currently working on all addons to boost-up and make those as fast as possible. All addons will be optimized and available for update very soon.

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The speed reduction is ONLY when accessing the backend dashboard/plugins area. I am hosting my site on WPEngine which has some kind of caching system, I am not sure which one. The front-end of the site is fine and is fast, it's only when I go into the dashboard/plugins area.

With other PAID plugins where there was a significant slowdown when accessing the dashboard/plugins area (ultimate member had that problem for a little while, but now seems to be fixed) is that there was some either some kind of  Plugin UPDATE check going on every time you go into the plugins page OR the serial number check was causing the problem. Perhaps your plugins "phone home" every time you access the plugin area? Could that possibly be it?


Famed Member Admin
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All our addons use WordPress plugin update check API, the only difference is checking URL (it connects to our server). It works every 8 hours like all other plugins.  We're currently checking our server response times and will make it faster for sure.

Eminent Member
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I disabled Multi-Site and went back to regular Wordpress and now accessing the plugins page is fast no matter how many of the addons I have active. So it was an issue with MultiSite. Just letting you know.



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