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[Solved] Problem with editing the comment form

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Hi everyone

comment form

, I have a problem finding items marked in red and blue, respectively. I would like to change the text marked in red, and the buttons marked in blue I would like to delete along with the separating beam. Can you help me with this? I totally don't know where to look for it. Thank you in advance!

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Posted by: @sumo22

I would like to change the text marked in red

Please navigate to Dashboard > Comments > Phrases > Form admin page and change the "Comment Field Join" value. 

comment form
Posted by: @sumo22

and the buttons marked in blue I would like to delete along with the separating beam.

Please navigate to the Dashboard > Comments > Settings > Comment Form admin page and make sure in the "Comment Form" section "Hide "Discussion Statistic" section" and "  Hide "Recent Comment Authors" section" are enabled.

More info here:

sumo22 reacted
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@Elvina thank you 😀

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