Since installing the latest version, I can no longer see the "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" images for voting on a comment. I can only see little empty boxes. I can click on them and the vote number goes up or down so the function is working. I just can't see the thumbs.
I've tried turning voting on and off and other settings but the problem continues. Any suggestions?
Hi Trevor,
That's probably cache issue, please delete cache. Also go to Dashboard > wpDiscuz Settings > Styling Tab and make sure the "Disable font awesome css loading" option is unchecked/disabled. If it doesn't help please click on [reset options] button below all options.
Thanks for the feedback. I have followed your suggestions and repeated them a couple times just in case. The thumbs still aren't showing up. Now, I don't see those empty little boxes either so there's no way to vote up or down any longer. I can still see the total number of up/down votes for each comment.
"Hide Voting buttons" is unchecked in the Show/Hide tab. Any other thoughts?
Please leave some URL to allow us inspect page issues.
Thanks. Here's an example:
Ok, for some reason your theme blocks head loading of font-awesome icons. please edit header.php of your theme and put this code after <?php wp_head() ?> function:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Hi Tom,
I had the same issue and followed your steps and now the thumbs have appeared indeed! Another problem now is that when I hoover over the thumbs or click on them, I'm send to the top of the page. Very strange!
Do you know how I could solve this? You can see the behaviour here:
This problem comes from active theme, this is not icon or wpDiscuz issue. Please compress/zip current active theme folder and send it to support[at] email address. We need to check it.
I have send the files!