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Formatting bug

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I noticed that a long comment I published completely stripped out all html code when published.  My web host discovered this issue, which I wanted to make you aware of:

It was the setting "The number of words before breaking comment text and showing 'Read more' link" in WPDiscuz, it was set to breaking after 600 words and have a "read more".

Somehow it was removing all tags and not breaking at all, not sure what is wrong with wpdiscuz.

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Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 6191

Hi @richards1052,

if a comment is long and has the “Read more” showing, the comment has no paragraph breaks, and the links disappear and it becomes one non-formatted text. This is a standard content breaking logic.

If we keep HTML tags, e.g. paragraphs, the comment list HTML structure will be damaged and you’ll see totally messed layout. For example, if a comment content is this:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. <p>Falli interesset vel, no has erant fastidii concludaturque, ea cetero.</p>

If you break it and keep formatting HTML, it becomes this:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. <p>Falli interesset vel, no has erant fastidii Read More>>

As you see the closing </p> tag doesn’t exist, it’ll affect all HTML structure of your comment list. And this kind of problem will happen with all other HTML tags. The WordPress post excerpt works exactly like wpDiscuz comment excerpt, this is a standard text breaking logic.

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  • There was no "read more" showing. It was just 1 long  unformatted comment. Looked like an unreadable mess.

Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 6191

Hi @richards1052,

Please leave some example URL to allow us to check it. 

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