MAJOR issue with WP...
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[Solved] MAJOR issue with WPFORO widgets for me.

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I have WpForo installed on my website, and I'm using elementor for my website home page. On my home page i'm using the WpForo widgets VIA ELEMENTOR to display recent posts and online members. The issue I have resolves only if I deactivate WpForo, I'm not sure at this point if it's using the widgets on home page or the plug it self as a whole breaks down my elementor columns but as you can see on these images, this is what happens to my HOME PAGE with WpForo activated.

Right under where it says "COMMUNITY" on the image, I have the login form followed by recent posts and online members. 


and this is what happens on mobile !!

as you can see, thoe 2 side by side columns on mobile should be on top of each other instead, I have also set the width to both columns to 100% FOR MOBILE IN ELEMENTOR, yet it still breaks and takes both colmns next to each other as you see.

I'm going crazy and I have tried everything until unfortounelty I figured that WpForo causes the problem when activated only.


Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
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Hi @moenagy.

Please let us know which of the widgets caused such an issue? Is the issue happens only on the home pages or the same issue can be found on wpForo pages? 

I'd be better if you provide us your website URL to allow us to debug the issue. 

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Yes sure , its:

the issue happens only at the home page where I have the “Recent Posts” and “Online Members” widgets , if you go on the website now u’ll see the column next to it broken down. This DOES NOT happen inside the forums page, but using and activating WpForo and using its widgets in my home page does that to the columns as you can see live on the website now.

This post was modified 6 years ago by MoeNAGY

Illustrious Member Admin
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Hi @moenagy,

I don't see any issues, probably it's cache issue please try to test with incognito window.

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This issue has been resolved, thanx for ur time & effort. 

This post was modified 6 years ago by MoeNAGY

Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 6258

Thank you for letting us know glad to hear that the issue s solved. 

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