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[Closed] Better social-profile for WP+wpDiscuz+wpForo

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Your wpDiscuz and wpForo are extremely powerful, great job! Some questions:

1) wpDiscuz and wpForo have integration possibilities with BuddyPress and UltimateMember - do you have a side-by-side 3 comparison of: clear wpForo and 2 those user profile plugins? Which advantages does BP/UM adds to wpForo?

2) Which possibilities wpForo have by default (without BuddyPress and UltimateMember) in terms of user profile (custom profile fields?) and personal messages and blogging/page/social-feed?

3) WP have some obvious old-architect slowing problems, but UltimateMember are also very heavy and slow and with many bugs, so I want to understand which possibilities will lacks without UM with clear wpForo or wpForo + BP?

4) Which users rights restrictions possibility does wpForo have? Does it provide possibility to hide profiles info and personal messaging based on users levels (for example WP Editors only)? "Read only" status for non-verified users? etc?

5) Can you compare speed and server-load between wpForo+BP/UM vs XenForo and Invision?

6) Do you have a more elegant rounded and with bigger fonts wpForo theme like XenForo and Invision?

Please, answer precisely to each question, each of them are important.


Posted : 13/12/2020 3:49 pm
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7) Where at DB wpForo save topics and answers - at wp_posts? or bp_messages? or its own tables?

Posted : 14/12/2020 2:47 am
Posts: 1403


Posted by: @gnv

1) wpDiscuz and wpForo have integration possibilities with BuddyPress and UltimateMember - do you have a side-by-side 3 comparison of: clear wpForo and 2 those user profile plugins? Which advantages does BP/UM adds to wpForo?

You can use the BuddyPress and UltimateMember profile plugin in case if you want.  Another case wpFor has your own profile system.

wpForo comes with an extended Member Profile system. Profile pages can be reached using the My Profile menu or by clicking on the Member Name link. Member Profile consists of three subPages:

  • Profile home
  • Account
  • Activity
  • Subscriptions

More info here:

2) Which possibilities wpForo have by default (without BuddyPress and UltimateMember) in terms of user profile (custom profile fields?) and personal messages and blogging/page/social-feed?

I'll suggest you go to the support forum and check it yourself. Here the plugin without any customization and add-on.

3) WP have some obvious old-architect slowing problems, but UltimateMember are also very heavy and slow and with many bugs, so I want to understand which possibilities will lacks without UM with clear wpForo or wpForo + BP?

Please read this support topic:

Regarding the second part of your question, as I already mentioned in the post below, you can test it yourself and see the difference.

4) Which users rights restrictions possibility does wpForo have? Does it provide possibility to hide profiles info and personal messaging based on users levels (for example WP Editors only)? "Read only" status for non-verified users? etc?

I'll suggest you read the following FAQ topic about wpForo Usergroups, Forum Accesses and WordPress User Roles:

5. Can you compare speed and server-load between wpForo+BP/UM vs XenForo and Invision?

You can simply test to and see how it work.

6) Do you have a more elegant rounded and with bigger fonts wpForo theme like XenForo and Invision?

Please navigate to the Dashboard > Forums  > Settings > Styles admin page and check the "Font Sizes" option.

7) Where at DB wpForo save topics and answers - at wp_posts? or bp_messages? or its own tables?

wpForo has its own tables for topics (wp_wpforo_topics) and posts (wp _wpforo_posts). 
wp_ is just a prefix. In your case, it can differ.
Posted : 14/12/2020 3:18 pm
Posts: 15
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Thanks for a fast answer and links.

1) Now I understand how profile integration works with BP/UM/etc. But to avoid profiles mess, is it possible with installed BP to hide wpForo profile at all and use only BP profile site wide? And also show likes/ranks/achievements at BP profile, maybe at special tab?

1+3) Still will be great to have a side-by-side comparison table of wpForo and with BP/UM/etc.

4) There is no info which I ask. Does wpForo have possibility to hide profiles info and personal messaging system for unregistered and for some users levels/groups (for example give access to them to WP Editors only)?

5) Its hard to compare speed without data. Will be great if you will have such forums engines speed comparison.

6) When wpForo style are very good in terms of accuracy+readability+usability - its a little outdated, look to a Flarum. Do you have an approximate release date for a more modern&simple design?

8) Any plans for more AJAX - profiles tabs switching, profiles popup on name rollover, messages and answers post, etc? Look to Invision or XenForo.

Posted : 15/12/2020 12:20 pm
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9) Can wpForo be integrated in to BP by replacing BP-Forums? So logically BP social engine and BP profile becomes a site-wide top level and wpForo will be as BP part-addon?

10) Which Likes system for BP I must use to have one Likes collector per user for BP and wpForo?

Posted : 15/12/2020 12:33 pm
Posts: 15
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11) I just think that it will be much better to have the ONE users comments editing form for a whole site - WP comments, BP forums, BP users activity, media commenting, etc... and found this thread:

After reading of 3 author posts I just wonder how smart this author!

And then I see that its MY own old request! :))))))

What happens with this integration now? When it will be implemented?

Posted : 16/12/2020 1:04 am
Posts: 4220
Famed Member Admin

9) Can wpForo be integrated in to BP by replacing BP-Forums? So logically BP social engine and BP profile becomes a site-wide top level and wpForo will be as BP part-addon?

BP is well integrated with wpForo. Once you activated BP just go to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features Tab, find the Profile Page option and select the BuddyPress one. So all users profile will be redirected to BP profile page. More info:


10) Which Likes system for BP I must use to have one Likes collector per user for BP and wpForo?

Like system is not connected. wpForo like system is created for posts not for users. And it cannot be replaced with any other like system.


11) I just think that it will be much better to have the ONE users comments editing form for a whole site - WP comments, BP forums, BP users activity, media commenting, etc... and found this thread..

What happens with this integration now? When it will be implemented?

wpForo is well integrated with BP, wpDiscuz is well integrated with BP so all are integrated.

You can even handle Blog Post to Forum Topic cross-posting with Blog Post Comment synchronization with the cross posted topic replies using wpForo - Blog Cross Posting addon. 

Posted : 16/12/2020 8:32 pm
Posts: 15
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Hi, Tom!

Thanks for answers, but you miss a previous post with questions, here is the most important of them:

4) There is no info which I ask. Does wpForo have possibility to hide profiles info and personal messaging system for unregistered and for some users levels/groups (for example give access to them to WP Editors only)?

6) When wpForo style are very good in terms of accuracy+readability+usability - its a little boxed-outdated. Look to a Flarum. Do you have an approximate release date for a more modern&simple design?

8) Any plans for more AJAX - profiles tabs switching, profiles popup on name rollover, messages and answers post, etc? Look to Invision or XenForo.

Posted by: @tomson

10) Which Likes system for BP I must use to have one Likes collector per user for BP and wpForo?

Like system is not connected. wpForo like system is created for posts not for users. And it cannot be replaced with any other like system.

So [BP Forum with wpForo] and [WP Blog comments or WC Shop Products reviews with wpDiscuz] will have a different Likes counters and will not be summarize at BP Profile???

11) I just think that it will be much better to have the ONE users comments editing form for a whole site - WP comments, BP forums, BP users activity, media commenting, etc... and found this thread..

What happens with this integration now? When it will be implemented?

wpForo is well integrated with BP, wpDiscuz is well integrated with BP so all are integrated.

Please, clarify: if I will install BP + wpDiscuz - will wpDiscuz very powerful commenting form (with RichText, Attachments, Likes, Smiles, etc) will automatically appear at: BP User Activity, BP Forum post, BP Personal Messaging, BP Media Commenting, etc? Its what I asking for about year!

If this functionality still not implementted - can you make it for a BP Cera theme? Do you anticipate any problems with such integration of wpDiscuz to all BP posting-commenting-etc forms?

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by gnv
Posted : 17/12/2020 2:39 pm
Posts: 4220
Famed Member Admin


All the plugins are free, please install and test them. It would be better to understand.


Posted by: @gnv

Please, clarify: if I will install BP + wpDiscuz - will wpDiscuz very powerful commenting form (with RichText, Attachments, Likes, Smiles, etc) will automatically appear at: BP User Activity, BP Forum post, BP Personal Messaging, BP Media Commenting, etc?

If this functionality still not implementted - can you make it for a BP Cera theme? Do you anticipate any problems with such integration of wpDiscuz to all BP posting-commenting-etc forms?

It won't. Because all what you've mentioned are not post types. wpDiscuz is a comment plugin for WordPress post types (pages, posts, etc), it cannot work on custom content. And there is no way to make it available on such content.

Posted by: @gnv

So [BP Forum with wpForo] and [WP Blog comments or WC Shop Products reviews with wpDiscuz] will have a different Likes counters and will not be summarize at BP Profile???

You're correct, they don't have any relation to each other, the target content of the likes are totally different. There is no way to merge "likes" for totally different content of totally different systems.


Posted by: @gnv

4) There is no info which I ask. Does wpForo have possibility to hide profiles info and personal messaging system for unregistered and for some users levels/groups (for example give access to them to WP Editors only)?

Yes it has. All are located in Edit certain usergroup screen in Dashboard > Forums > Usergroups admin page.


Posted by: @gnv

6) When wpForo style are very good in terms of accuracy+readability+usability - its a little boxed-outdated. Look to a Flarum. Do you have an approximate release date for a more modern&simple design?

The wpForo 2.0.0 comes with updated design. It'll be released in a few months. I have not an exact ETA for wpForo 2 major version release.


Posted by: @gnv

8) Any plans for more AJAX - profiles tabs switching, profiles popup on name rollover, messages and answers post, etc? Look to Invision or XenForo.

wpForo is well ajaxified and will be ajaxified more for sure.

Posted : 17/12/2020 6:25 pm
Posts: 4220
Famed Member Admin

I hope I've answered all your questions.

For further questions related to wpForo or wpDiscuz please use the corresponding support forums. As you can see on the top of this topic, here we only support addon related questions. All questions related to the main core plugins should be asked in according forums:

Thank you.

Posted : 17/12/2020 7:57 pm
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