wpForo – Blog Cross Posting

wpForo – Blog Cross Posting addon is designed to synchronize website/blog content with forum content. When you create a new blog post, this addon creates identical (title, content) topic in selected forum and keeps synchronizing these entries. It connects the Blog Post with Forum Topic and Blog Comments with according Forum Topic Replies. New comments under the Post are automatically posted as replies under the connected (cross-posted) Topic and vice versa (new replies of this Topic are automatically posted as comments under the connected Post). These synchronization functions include Add/Edit and Delete actions. Addon also comes with rich set of options to manage all features.

Official wpForo Addon

Please note: this is an add-on for wpForo plugin. This addon requires at least wpForo 2.0.0 version. Please do not install this addon on lower wpForo versions. wpForo is a free, powerful, modern and responsive forum plugin. It's available for free download on WordPress.org Extensions directory. The official wpForo addons are only available here at gVectors.com Premium plugins store.

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Products subject to yearly license for future updates.
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When you create a new blog post, it creates identical (title, content) topic in selected forum and keeps synchronizing these entries. New comments under the Post will be automatically posted as replies under the connected (cross-posted) Topic and vice versa (new replies of this Topic will be automatically posted as comments under the connected Post). In case if you already have a Blog Post with some comments, it’ll crossposts the post and all comments once you enabled crossposting for this post.

wpForo – Blog Cross Posting Features

Compatible with wpDiscuz Comment Plugin and with native WordPress comment system.

  • Full Blog to Forum and  semi Forum to Blog cross-posting system
  • Automatic cross-posting configuration for auto-generated posts cross-posting
  • One click synchronization (cross-posting) of old posts to selected forum
  • Blog Post to Forum Topic cross-posting
    • Add
    • Edit/Update
    • Delete
    • Turn off
  • Blog Post Comments to Topic Replies cross-posting and vice versa
    • Add
    • Edit/Update
    • Delete
  • Supports Custom Post Types
  • Allows to select particular target forum for Blog post to Forum Topic crossposting
  • Link on Blog Post “view crossposted topic”
  • Link on Forum Topic “view crossposted article”
  • Link on Blog post comment “view crossposted reply”
  • Link on Topic replies “view crossposted comment”
  • Options to manage all features and front-end components
  • Mobile and RTL ready


Installation and Configuration

  • This addon installs like any other plugin for WordPress.
    Access to wpForo Blog Cross Posting addon is provided immediately once you paid for your order. Upon completing registration/checkout, you may log in at gVectors.com. We will also send you an email after registration/checkout, with a link to the login page. Then download the installation package.
  • Downloaded addon zip file from gVectors Shop account page
  • Navigate to Dashboard > Plugins > Add new and upload addon ZIP file, then activate it.
  • Once the plugin is active, navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Addons > Cross Posting Tab to begin configuration…
  • It’ll ask you to activate with license key you got via email or in your account page, just insert the key and activate it.


If for some reason you cannot install this plugin using WordPress plugin upload system please do that with this alternative way. Unzip, and then upload the /wpforo-cross-posting/ folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory using an FTP application like FileZilla; or any other FTP program is fine also. Make sure you have not double /wpforo-cross-posting/wpforo-cross-posting/ directories nested inside each other, please correct this before you continue. Then in WordPress, go to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins, and then activate the wpForo – Blog Cross Posting addon.


Frontend – Blog Post

Frontend – Forum Topic

Dashboard – Add/Edit Post


Dashboard – Addon Settings


Added: PHP 8.2 Compatibility


Fixed bug: “quote” tag cross-posting issue.
Added: Giphy and Tenor cross-posting integration


Update Addon Phrases


wpForo 2.0 compatibility


Compatible with wpDiscuz Private Comments


Fixed Bug: Remove topic tags after post edit.


Fixed Bug: Some small issues.


Improvement: Performance improvement


Fixed bug: small issue with wpDiscuz “Read more” button.


Added: changes in the plugin core for PHP 8 support
Added: compatibility with WordPress 5.6 version


Fixed bug: issue with the comment date in cross-posting from post to comment


Added: New option to connect a blog post to a forum topic by TopicID to initiate cross-posting of that blog post comments and topic replies.


Added: Allowing to disconnect license


Compatible with WordPress 5.5 version


Important Update: Compatibility with wpForo 1.8.0 and higher versions


Added : wpDiscuz 7 media uploader integration


Fixed Notice: ‘Undefined index: is_first_post’


Fixed Bug: Issue with stripping backslashes in post content


Fixed Bug: Issue with auto cross-posting synchronization


SEO Improvement: Option to set single canonical URL for cross-posted topics and blog posts, which helps to avoids indexing duplication.
SEO Improvement: Option to set cross-posted topic title prefix to avoid indexing duplication


Fixed bug: unclosed HTML issue


Fixed bug: issue with comment synchronization


Added : wpDiscuz Media Uploader integration


Optimized: Addon update checking system


Fixed : Issue with auto-created WordPress posts cross-posting


Fixed Bug: Issue with synchronization


Added: Option to enabled Featured Image cross-posting
Added: Option to select featured Image thumbnail size in cross-posted topic
Added: Automatic cross-posting for manually created and auto-generated posts
Added: Auto cross-posting rules from Blog category to Forum
Added: One click synchronization (cross-posting) of old posts to selected forum


Fixed bug: issue with cross-posted images view


Changed: do not cross-post comments with non-standard comment type.


Added: WPBruiser integration


Fixed bug: blog-post post deletion


Removed : do_shortcode function from post content


Fixed bug: Comment and forum post synchronization
Added : ‘This topic is also published as an article here’ text to wpForo phrase system


Fixed bug: PHP Notice: Undefined variable: topicURL in wpForoCrossPosting.php on line 102


Fixed Bug: Scheduled post conflict


Fixed Bug: Cross-posting date issue
Fixed Bug: Conflict with wpForo PeepSo Integration Plugin


Added: Supports Shaduled, Draft and Panding Review status.


Added : Font-Awesome lib is updated to version 5
Added: Three crossposting ways ( Full Content / Excerpt / Custom Content) to cross post.
Added: Option to set crossposting type in addon settings page
Added: New text field in Edit Post screen to set custom crossposting content (in case the type is set “custom”) .
Added: Integration with wpForo Phrase system. Allows to edit front-end phrases in Dashboard > Forums > Phrases admin page.
Fixed Bug: Keep original dates in forum topics for crossposted article comments


Compatible with wpForo 1.4.4


Fixed Bug: Error on posting a reply “Reply request failed”.


Added: wpForo 1.4.3 Compatibility (please don’t update for old versions)


Fixed Bug: Topic exists


Fixed Bug: Topic author data


Fixed Bug: HTML formating issue on Blog post to Forum topic crossposting.


Initial version

Pre Sale Support

Marian Haertel
3 months 2 days ago

Can the addon synchronize already posted blogposts?

2 months 27 days ago


Yes sure, the addon has such a feature.

4 months 20 days ago

Is possible to disable comments on the blog post, but show the replies from the forum? I’d like to force users to submit all comments and questions to the forum and not the post.

4 months 19 days ago


The wpForo – Blog Cross Posting addon offers synchronization options for both Blog Comments to Forum Replies and Forum Replies to Blog Comments, allowing you to configure them according to your preferences.

4 months 19 days ago

But if comments are closed (checkbox in WP post to “Allow Comments” is unchecked), do the new forum replies get added to the post comments?

4 months 19 days ago

Yes, If you don’t want to cross post to forum posts to blog comments you should use the addon’s “Forum Reply to Blog Comment synchronization” option.

4 months 20 days ago

If we we restrict a specific forum to only usergroup A, but a blog post is crossposted into the restricted forum, do any of the forum usergroup restrictions affect the ability to view and post comments on the blogpost?

For example will usergroup B, who normally cannot view or post replies into the restricted forum be able to view and comment on the post?

4 months 19 days ago


The comments will be posted under the blog, but those won’t be cross-posted if the person who leaves a comment doesn’t have permission to view forum posts.

6 months 8 days ago

Hi. Does the add.on count and display how many Reviews a member has written in total? for example, can the add-on display : Max Zimmermann (299 Reviews)

6 months 8 days ago


In the screenshots I see the option to crosspost ‘posts’ or ‘pages’. Is is possible to crosspost custom post types like ‘Events’ from the Modern Event Calendar plugin?

Best Regards,

6 months 7 days ago

Hi Bas,

Yes, sure the wpForo – Blog Cross Posting addon supports Event Calendar plugin.

10 months 8 days ago

Hello, I have a question about the Blog Cross Posting Addon.

If I understand it correctly, all blog posts are automatically posted to the forum with the help of the addon – as a topic in selected forum.

So far so good.

What happens when comments are made in the forum? Are these comments then also synchronized with the blog post? So the comments & replies made in the forum are also displayed in the blog post? And conversely, are comments made in the blog post also displayed in the forum?

And what happens if an update is made in the blog post? Will the update (new content, new images, etc) also be displayed/added to the forum?


10 months 6 days ago

Hi Hulu,

Yes sure, the comments under the blog post and the forum replies are synchronized. New comments under the Post will be automatically posted as replies under the connected (cross-posted) Topic and vice versa (new replies of this Topic will be automatically posted as comments under the connected Post).

You just need to correctly configure the options below:

1. Blog Comment to Forum Reply synchronization
2. Forum Reply to Blog Comment synchronization

11 months 4 days ago

Well, plugin just shat itself after new update, topic about it is waiting in moderation since 3 days.

1 year 4 months ago

hello, would it be a problem for google to have the same topic on both the blog and the forum page?

1 year 3 months ago

Hi as,

Blog—Blog Post

They are different things.

1 year 4 months ago

I am seeking to link a forum to a blog post. Instead of having each topic linked to a blog post can I link a forum or sub-forum?

1 year 4 months ago

No, that cannot be done, only Blog Post To Topic and Comment to Forum Post.

1 year 5 months ago

Hello, is there a way to “promote” forum posts to become blog posts? So for example if someone makes an interesting forum post could an administrator create and link a WordPress blog post to it in an automated way, even if the original poster wasn’t a blog editor?

1 year 5 months ago

Hi Wilson,
wpForo Blog Cross Posting addon only cross posts WordPress Posts, comments to wpForo Topics, replies.

1 year 9 months ago

Hi, if I disable WP comments in WP>Discussions setting…
– will be also Forum topic created with link in the post to the forum topic and in forum link to the post?
They are different category names for Forum and Post…
– What happens if I create a post with post category “A” and forum does not have this category?
– after a post and forum topic is created, can I manually change forum category? Will the cross-posting still working?
– Can I disable cross-posting for some posts/category?
thanks regards

1 year 10 months ago

What happens to images and embed videos from the blog post ? Do they also appear on the forum ? Or do I need the additional “wpforo embed plugin” for that ?

2 years 1 month ago

Will the members of the forum who have chosen to receive an email for each new message, receive an email for the publication of a message on the blog and forum?

2 years 1 month ago

Hi lepalois,
If the user is subscribed to get email for new topics in the forum, he will get email if the topic has been created by the cross posting addon.

2 years 1 month ago

If I have two separate WordPress sites, one hosting a blog and the other hosting the WPforo forums, would this add on work to sync between the two sites/databases? Or, does the blog and forums need to be hosted on the same WordPress instance for this to work?

2 years 1 month ago

Hi ST,
All plugins of current WordPress installation only see the current WordPress database, there is no way to force other database connection inside the Cross Posting addon. They should use the same database.

Adrien Coquelle
2 years 4 months ago


I have a private membership website and I would like to know if this plugin can syncrhonize comments posted on courses with my forum ?

I’m using Thrive Apprentice for the courses, on each lesson there is a comment section where people can ask questions.

1 year 5 months ago

Hi Adrien, I have the same usecase. Did you try the addon and most importantly: Didi it work?

Adrien Coquelle
1 year 5 months ago

Yes, it works 🙂

2 years 3 months ago

Hi Adrien,
I’m sorry, but we don’t have experience with such cases and solutions. I have no idea if it’ll work for your case.

Adrien Coquelle
1 year 5 months ago

Yes, it works 🙂

Toygar NIRON
2 years 6 months ago


I just want to confirm if I understood correctly.

When I write a blog post using this feature, the same post will appear under the forum category I specified, right?

I can also replace the comment field at the bottom of the Blog post with the forum field and when there are any user comments under this post on the forum or blog, both will appear.

My website is built with Elementor and I’m already using your plugin. I assume this feature supports Elementor.

Thank you

2 years 6 months ago

When I write a blog post using this feature, the same post will appear under the forum category I specified, right?


I can also replace the comment field at the bottom of the Blog post with the forum field and when there are any user comments under this post on the forum or blog, both will appear.

The comment section cannot be replaced. But the replies left in the cross-posted topic will be also displayed as comments under the Blog Post and vice versa.

I assume this feature supports Elementor.

The features of this addon doesn’t have any connection to the Elementor, so they work fine without any conflict.

2 years 6 months ago

Thank you for info

2 years 6 months ago

I want to switch my large xenforo forum to wpforo. I will cerlainly use Wpforo in a dedicated wordpress install.
I want to know if it’s possible to use wpForo – Blog Cross Posting with 2 wordpress installs.
Let me explain : first install is the real blog with posts and comments and second install is the WordPress dedicated to forums.

I hope I’m clear and I’m ready to pay for a custom plugin able to do that.

Thanks a lot

2 years 6 months ago

Hi Jerome,
I’m sorry but the addon only works with its own WordPress database, it cannot access to other databases. However you can contact gVectors Custom Addon Development Team via sales[at]gvectors.com email address.

2 years 7 months ago

Hi, we have a news website (sport) and we wanted to automatically publish posts from that site (news website) to other site (wpforo). It’s possible? maybe via feed

2 years 7 months ago

Hi Davide,
I’m sorry but you cannot do a cross-site cross-posting. There is no way to do this even with the feed.

2 years 7 months ago

could you make an integration witch we could use cross posting with blog in buddypress pro and peepso pease
i mean when a user post a blog article, this article is on forum too

2 years 11 months ago

I note that the plugin will cross-post images in various resolutions, from thumbnail up to full size.

Does it also permit cross-posting of video content?

2 years 11 months ago

Hi westats,
Please let me know what do you mean saying video content. Is it a YouTube link or an uploaded and attached MP4 file? wpForo doesn’t support video URL embedding features, so they’ll be displayed as a simple link. You might need one or both addons:

3 years 20 days ago

Do we need to purchase the plugins every year? or are they one time prices?
We might lose the support after a year, but we will still be able to use the plugin, right?

3 years 19 days ago

All our products subject yearly license for future updates. You can continue to use the copy of addon you have for live-time, but you’ll not receive updates. The activation is only designed for getting updates it doesn’t limit any function or feature in the addon until it become incompatible with a new version of WordPress or The main plugin (wpForo, wpDiscuz). Please read the license agreement here: https://gvectors.com/terms-and-conditions/#gaining-download-access
In case you want to renew the license, you should buy the same addon in order to get new activation key.  If you buy the same addon you’ll get 30% discount at checkout page automatically as a returning customer. Just make sure you’re logged in with your customer account.

3 years 21 days ago

I really like this plugin.
If i post image on the forum will it use the image automatically as a featured image on the blog and does it preview the featured image in the category?

3 years 19 days ago

There is no way to cross-post a forum topic to a blog post, so there is no way to do the same with a featured image as well. Please read this addon description, it only cross-posts blog posts to forum topic, not vice versa. Only the replies and comments can be cross-posted in both ways.

3 years 1 month ago

Can I manually set the theme for a post? For example, if I have a product and a product review post, I want to link comments, can I do that?

3 years 1 month ago

Hi Artyom,
This addon allows you to automatically create a forum topic based on the corss-posted article in the forum. The comments will be synched with the topic replies. There is no any setting or option for themes.

Andrew Keilty
3 years 3 months ago

Hi there, I see it is possible to set up automatic cross-posts based on blog categories, is it also possible to set up automatic cross-posts based on a blog’s tags?

3 years 4 months ago

i´m very interested in this addon. Actually guests are allowed to leave comments on articles (aksimet is great!), but in wpForo only registered users are allowed to post.

Does the crosspost addon works for me with guest posting in articles and then shown with crossposts in forums?

Thank You!

Daniel Levak
3 years 4 months ago

Thx, it works very well! For the forums i want to leave it only for registered user to make posts/topics, but guest can posts comments.

3 years 4 months ago

Hi Highlander,
Yes it does. BTW, wpForo allows guest posting as well. Please read this post:

3 years 4 months ago

Has there been any change to this to allow to go in the other direction: copy forum content to website/blog ? Any visibility of when it will be available, if ever? I have found a plugin that does this for another forum but I would prefer to use your system. Thanks.

3 years 4 months ago

I’m sorry, but this change has not been made yet, and I have no ETA.
You can contact to gVectors Custom Development team and ask them to add this feature in the addon. They’ll assess the service price and let you know. you can contact them via sales[at]gvectors.com email address.

Aung Oo Aung
3 years 3 months ago

Does it mean you have no plan to add that feature but will be available only for a custom order?

3 years 5 months ago

Your pricing policy is too high.
When will you get down to a normal price?

3 years 5 months ago

Hi Erdinç,
Thank you for your interest in wpForo addons. We’ve added hundreds of important and essential features in the free wpForo plugin so in most cases our users don’t need any addons. In case you need some addon, you can get them with discounts according to our Sale Packs: https://gvectors.com/gvectors-store-discounts-sale-packs/

The addon prices of popular WordPress plugins starts from $40, for example the Ultimate Members plugin. Another example is Yoast SEO plugin, its addons start from $69. You can even see prices from $150 for WooCommerce addons. wpForo addons prices starts from $11 up to $35. We don’t have any addon with more than $35 price, most of our addons prices are just $25. As you can see the highest price of our addons is lower than the start price of other plugins addons. That’s why we always say the wpForo addons prices are the most reasonable prices.

3 years 6 months ago

Hello, is this addo working with custom post types ? I would like to use it with posts made with the BP Docs plugin.

3 years 5 months ago

Hi Eric,
Yes, this addon can also be used for custom post types.

3 years 8 months ago

If I purchase a single site licence, for the advertised price, is that a one off sale, or is it an annual subscription ?

3 years 8 months ago

Hi Robert,

All our products subject to yearly license for future updates.

However, you’ll still be able to use the version you have for an unlimited time. Please read the license agreement here:


Robert Welsh
3 years 8 months ago

Okay, I have read that. What would the yearly license cost, also will it work with the Facebook Comments plugin I have installed ?

3 years 8 months ago

What would the yearly license cost,

It costs $25.00.

will it work with the Facebook Comments plugin I have installed ?

If the Facebook Comments plugin is a native WordPress comment system, then it’ll work fine.

Michael Guthrie
3 years 10 months ago

Hi. We want to have a forum for only selected posts. Is this possible? to be selective about the posts that have forums? Thanks

3 years 10 months ago

Michael Guthrie,

We don’t follow you well. You can choose the post that should be cross-posted to the forum.

3 years 10 months ago

Is it working in both ways? if i post a topic will create a blog post in wp? i have a forum to put incidences and then they will go in a blog category when they are approved. Thank you

3 years 10 months ago

As far as only high-level users (authors, admins) have permission to create posts, there is no way to cross-post from forum to blog post. You can only cross-post from blog post to the forum.

3 years 10 months ago

🙁 thank you

3 years 10 months ago

I want to know if what I think is possible.
1. The guest selects the A-category to create a post (using the Guest Post Plugin).
2. Auto cross posting automatically sets the A-category of the post to Forum A.

So, are guest-written posts automatically registered for the forum A?
In other words, I would like to check if it is possible for the guest to write on the front end.

3 years 10 months ago

Hi Tayo,

Actually the posts written by guests will be crossposted in the forum once the admin approves the post. However the topic author will set as admin, but not the guest.

3 years 10 months ago

The wpforo must have access(‘can creat topic’) when writing the topic. If a guest without this access writes a blog, will the topic be published automatically? Or should guests have this access in forums?

3 years 10 months ago

Yes. Once the admin approves the post, it’ll be automatically cross-posted to the forum. As I’ve already mentioned the name of the topic author will be admin, but not a guest.

Pamela Schminke
3 years 11 months ago

I would like to designate ONE particular forum topic to allow my members to post a speciic type of post (their case experienaces) on my blog through the forum. So they would make the post in the forum topic, but it would auto published (or come up for moserators approval for blog posting). Is that a possible feature.

3 years 11 months ago

Hi Pamela Schminke,

We’re really sorry, but wpForo Blog Cross Posting addon doesn’t have such an option. It couldn’t be added for security reasons as the only authors, admins (high-level users) have permission to create posts.

4 years 2 days ago


4 years 1 day ago


Your question doesn’t have any relation to wpForo – Blog Cross Posting addon. This addon is designed to synchronize website/blog content with forum content. I may suggest you check out the “wpForo Advanced Attachments” addon.

4 years 1 month ago

Hi, i have big forum based on posts [post_type = topic, reply, attachment, etc] and his postmeta. I decide use your wpforo, and i want syntonize or import all to your wpforo.. now queston, with your blog corss posting will be possible? what problems can arise? thank u very much in advance for your answer!

4 years 1 month ago

Hi zayo,

Please note the wpForo – Blog Cross Posting is not an importer tool. It just allows to synchronize website/blog content with forum content. If you want to migrate your forum and the old software is included in the list of available migration, you can use the Go2wpForo tool. Otherwise, you should contact professional forum migration services for custom migration. We only recommend gConverter or ProfProjects services for such projects. They have already done hundreds of forum to wpForo migration projects with the best result.

4 years 1 month ago

Hi, thank you for your answer, ok, but i can us it for synchronize? After install plugin and configure it, then all post_type = topic, reply, attachment, etc can appear on wpforo like topics, replies, atc.. ?

4 years 1 month ago

Hi zayo,

Sure you can.

Soesanto Bosari
4 years 8 months ago

Is there an easy way to have only one topic created per article with multiple categories selected?
I have selected all categories in the “Auto Cross Posting” setting-page

4 years 8 months ago

Hi Soesanto Bosari,
I’m really sorry, but there is no way to do this yet.
For farter support please always use the wpForo Blog Cross Posting forum: https://gvectors.com/forum/wpforo-blog-cross-posting/

4 years 10 months ago

if a user is a forum moderator, can approve post submitted like comment (in waiting of moderation on wordpress) and than copied on forum, also if the forum moderator have a differente wordpress role like author?

4 years 4 months ago

Hi Giacomo,
Yes, wpForo forum plugin has a feature to keep topics and cross-posted replies in moderation and let moderators approve those. wpForo moderators are admin users. If you want admins to have permissions to moderate topics and replies you should attach Author User role to Moderator Forum Usergeoup in Dashboard > Forums > Usergroup admin page.

4 years 4 months ago

Is this true even if i use custom wordpress roles for the moderator forum usergroup?

4 years 4 months ago

Yes, it’s true.

4 years 11 months ago

I understand that when I create a new post, I have the option to create a topic automatically under the forum that I choose. But is it work the other way around? If I create a topic will iI get the option to automatically create a post?

4 years 11 months ago

I’m sorry but not yet.
Current available cross-posting directions are:

1. Blog Post to Forum Topic
2. Post Comments to cross-posited Topic Replies
3. Cross-posited Topic Replies to according Post Comments

In other words, it creates new topic in forum according to your blog post, then it synchronize comments of that blog post with the cross-posted topic replies in two ways. New replies in topic will be cross-posted under blog post as comments and vice versa. But the blog post to forum topic only available one way.

5 years 2 days ago

Hi. Is there a rel canonical tag added to forum topic? I’m wondering if duplicating content on 2 different url-s wont be treated as duplicate content by G.

5 years 2 days ago

Hi Dom,

I’m sorry but I’m not an SEO expert, so I can’t say an exact answer here. However, I can say that it’s not required to have a duplicated cross-posted content in Blog and in Forum. You can change the content of first post content of cross-posted topic (make it just an intro of the main blog post, or something else), you can disable Forum to blog cross-posting and only enable blog to forum cross-posting (move some engagement from blog to forum), so all topics and replies will be unique in Forum topics and in Blog Posts. Also, people will start opening new topics and new discussions, this will bring more unique content for website SEO.

4 years 5 months ago

To support what Dom said here, it would be ideal if the synced post/forum topic had a canonical link set to one or the other. Not only does it help with duplicate content but it would help with crawl budget as well. It would be ideal to have that feature from an SEO standpoint.

4 years 5 months ago

Hi Kalee,
Nice idea. Please create a new topic in gVectors Support > wpForo Blog Cross Posting forum and add tag “new features”. We’ll add this in our to-do list.

Chris Edwards
4 years 4 months ago

Has the canonical been implemented yet? I’d prefer the blog post for seo but the forum post for interaction with community members therefore it would be good to have the canonical option set on the forum.

4 years 4 months ago

I’m sorry but not yet. We’ll add soon during the next month.

4 years 4 months ago

That’s great to hear it’s being added, Tom! I’m going to keep an eye out for it and make the addon purchase at that time.

5 years 1 month ago

Is WPDiscuz required for cross-posting? It seems that the WPForo, WPForo-Cross-Posting, and WPDiscuz can all be integrated together but I do not understand how WPDiscuz is involved.

5 years 1 month ago

Hi Phil,

The cross-posting add-on is designed to synchronize website/blog content with forum content. When you create a new blog post, it creates identical (title, content) topic in the selected forum and keeps synchronizing these entries. New comments under the Post will be automatically posted as replies under the connected (cross-posted) Topic and vice versa (new replies of this Topic will be automatically posted as comments under the connected Post).

Is WPDiscuz required for cross-posting?

No, the wpDiscuz is not required. The wpForo – Blog Cross Posting addon works without the wpDiscuz plugin as well. wpDiscuz is just a commenting plugin you can use to improve the commenting system of your website.

Victor Ashiedu
4 years 3 months ago

Please clarify this statement “When you create a new blog post, it creates identical (title, content) topic in the selected forum and keeps synchronizing these entries”

When you say “title, content”, does it copy all the blog content as a forum topic?

4 years 3 months ago

Hi Victor Ashiedu,
It means that it connects the Blog Post with Forum Topic and Blog Comments with according Forum Topic Replies. See the screenshot below:

Victor Ashiedu
4 years 3 months ago

When I install the plugin and add this add-on how does website/blog content with forum content work with existing blog posts? Do I have to manually enable blog comment / forum integration for all old and existing posts?

4 years 3 months ago

Victor Ashiedu,
You can also cross-post existing posts. In this case, you’ll just need to use the [Synchronize] button. It’ll find all non-cross-posted posts of selected categories and cross-post to according to the forum as topics.

5 years 4 months ago

Hi, i can link more blog post to the same forum topic?
I need to have the same topic in a forum for multiple blog post. it’s possibile o i can simple insert a link at the bottom of my posts to the same topin in forum?

5 years 4 months ago

Hi Giacomo,

Thank you for your interest in wpForo – Blog Cross Posting add-on!

I’m sorry, but the add-on doesn’t have such a future.

5 years 4 months ago

Ok, thanks 🙂

5 years 4 months ago

Is it only copying the post text or also the whole post page with styling?!

Kailaash Balachandran
5 years 5 months ago

Is it possible to import existing/old posts and its comments?

5 years 5 months ago

Hi Kailaash Balachandran,

Thank you for your interest in the wpForo – Blog Cross Posting addon and for contacting us.

Yes, sure. You just need to enable cross posting for the current post.

5 years 5 months ago

Can I set the destination forum for cross posting?

5 years 5 months ago

Hi Peter,

yes, sure you can select the target forum for the current post.

5 years 5 months ago

Hi. I would like to use this addon with your wpDiscuz plugin. What happens when someone replies on the comment and starts a new branch of comments on wpDiscuz? How’s that displayed on the forum?

Also, in a forum topic if someone replies on another comment what happens on wpDiscuz? Is it displayed there as a reply in a new branch of comments or as a totally new root comment?

5 years 5 months ago

Hi power505,

Thank you for your interest in our add-ons!

What happens when someone replies on the comment and starts a new branch of comments on wpDiscuz? How’s that displayed on the forum?

For now, it’ll just be synchronized with forum replies. We’re planning to add a new Threaded Layout very soon and it’ll support threaded synchronization.

Also, in a forum topic if someone replies on another comment what happens on wpDiscuz? Is it displayed there as a reply in a new branch of comments or as a totally new root comment?

Yes, it’ll be displayed as a reply in a new branch of comments.

5 years 6 months ago

Is it possible to publish separate entries of one category in a separate thread on the forum? For example, the category “Cats” in the sub-forum on the forum “Cats”, Dogs in another and so on?

5 years 7 months ago

Would it be possible for this plugin to just show a link to the forums above or below the blog postt and show a reply count (Ie how many comments are posted in the forum for that article)

5 years 6 months ago

It shows direct link to cross-posted topic. And the number of the topic replies matches to the number of current blog post comments:

Bas de Bruin
5 years 7 months ago

I want to use this addon to be able to comment on blog post in a better way than default WP. My blog posts are imported through RSS Aggregator and once per day all blog posts are refreshed (deleted and imported again). What will happen with the topics and replies based on the blog posts when the blog post is deleted and created again?

5 years 7 months ago

Hi Bas de Bruin,

Thank you for your interest in our add-ons. I’m really sorry, but in your case, it’ll not work.

5 years 8 months ago

Bought Advanced Attachments. Planned to purchase several more addons. Twice asked a question on Blog Cross Posting – no answer. It’s a pity. Bad customer attitudes

5 years 8 months ago

Hi Moderworks,
Thank you for your interest in our addons. Please make sure you’re asking Pre-Sale questions in right places. We answer on your questions here at [Pre Sale Questions] tab and in Support forum’s according section. As you can see all questions are answered and we cannot find your question: https://gvectors.com/forum/wpforo-blog-cross-posting/

Please note, that we don’t answer on pre-sale and support questions via email. Please use this discussion section or our support forum for any questions related to our products.

Stephen Gunn
5 years 8 months ago

Hello, very interested in this plugin as well as your Discuz plugin. Is there any way to specify which sub-forum the crosspost is created in? I am building a site with a custom post type that holds videos and is separated by categories.. I have two user account permission levels and need the discussion to be split up so I can assign permissions to those forums as well. The permissions are no problem, it’s being able to define where the forum post is created is what is important.

I could create new custom post types for each permission level if I could assign where the forum post goes.

Thank you!

5 years 8 months ago

Hi Stephen Gunn,

Thank you for your interest in our products and for contacting us.

Yes, you can select the forum/subforum as a topic with the same title and content.

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