wpForo Topic Prefix & tags Manager addon is actually designed to make going through the forums and finding threads with the similar content a lot easier. Topic prefixes can be used to filter forums and can be combined with a keyword search to help users find what they are looking for. You can see all topics grouped in a topic prefix by clicking the prefix. A group of forum prefixes can be attached to a certain forum, thus each forum can have its own set of prefixes, specific to that section.
This addon allows your users to choose a thread prefix for each thread. Users can easily select an appropriate prefix from a list beside the title while posting a new thread – for example ‘New Album’, ‘New Song’, ‘Download’, ‘Suggestion’, ‘Help’, etc…
All prefix groups, prefixes and tags can be managed in Dashboard > Forums > Topic Prefix admin page. You can create prefix groups and bind to a certain forum. Prefix groups help visitors quickly find the correct topic prefix when they create a new topic. Also, the prefix groups allow you to connect prefixes to forums, so you can use all prefixes of a certain group in certain forum.
Tags are also topic categorizing and grouping components in forums. Finally, you can manage your topic tags very easy. You can add new tags, edit and delete in the Tags Tab. In addition, you can merge tags, bulk delete, convert tags to prefixes while keeping tags or deleting them.
Installation and Configuration
If for some reason you cannot install this plugin using WordPress plugin upload system please do that with this alternative way. Unzip, and then upload the /wpforo-topic-prefix/ folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory using an FTP application like FileZilla; or any other FTP program is fine also. Make sure you have not double /wpforo-topic-prefix/wpforo-topic-prefix/ directories nested inside each other, please correct this before you continue. Then go to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins, and then activate the wpForo Topic Prefix & Tag Manager addon.
Pre Sale Support
Hi GVector Team,
Hoping to make a purchase here, but I need to clarify some functionality.
I want users to be able to ADD tags to a post, but only from a preselected list. I only want admins to be able to CREATE tags. Can this plug in help with that?
In this case, you can use Topic prefix feature.
Will this restrict users from adding new tags? I would like only admins to be able to define what tags can be used.
You can utilize the wpForo “Can add tags” checkbox. Simply edit the forum access for user groups other than admins and uncheck the checkbox.
Additionally, you may find this FAQ helpful:
To clarify, I WANT users to be able to add tags to their topics. I want to restrict the user from creating NEW tags. I would like the user to choose only from pre-existing tags that admins created.
Can I place the prefix somewhere else like the bottom of the question form? The screenshots show it as teh very first question but I would like it to be on the bottom instead.
Hi Rob,
Yes, you can do that, but you will need Topic Custom Field addon to manage the fields.
Hello can i use several prefix per topic and can prefix have action on topic exemple : prefix « closed » close and lock the topic
Hi Vincent,
About Several Prefixes per topic feature, you can check here:
wpForo has “Close” option for closing the topic, and that function is not related to the prefixes.
Can you set the prefixes so that only certain user groups can use them? For instance, I wouldn’t want everyone on my forum to use a “Sponsored” prefix just the forum posts that are actually sponsored.
Hi TPTClan,

Yes you can. There is an option in each topic prefix edit screen to allow it for certain usergroups:
Hello do you ave news about my previous post about “multi prefix per post” please ?
I’m sorry, but not yet.
We’ll continue working on addons’ new features once the wpForo 2.0.0 stable version is released.
hello any news about my multi prefix please ? because currrenlty only bbpress and dev4press addon for bbpress doing that
Hi kezeo,
Answered here:
I will be purchasing both wpForo and wpDiscus and the wpDiscus Addons. Do I also need to purchase the individual wpForo addons?
Hi Tony,
Please note that there is no wpForo Addons Bundle, so you should purchase addons by selecting them in the wpForo category one by one:
You’ll get 50% discount corresponding to our Sale packs:
wpDiscuz addons can be purchased as bundle:
However, you should know that the wpDiscuz Addon Bundle doesn’t include integration addons, it only includes general addon. Please read this topic:
how many prefix can you insert by post ? with bbpress dev plugin we can use up to 5 prefix for 1 post (before title, after title and in body in full view ? thank you
Hi guillaume,
I think you’re confusing prefixes with other components. Prefixes are topic grouping features they cannot be added in the body of a post. Even more, prefixes are not designed for posts. Prefixes are topic components. You can set one prefix and multiple tags for a topic. So we call it topic prefixes. Here is the demo forum, you can register and test it:
And here is the doc:
in fact i simply meant how prefixes could we insert? multiple?
Ok, I see what do you mean. As I mentioned above, this addon only supports one prefix per topic, there is no multiple prefix yet. It’ll be available in upcoming middle version.
any news about that please (multiple prefix) please
I have site that has about 1`5 different Forums covering different kinds of animals and plants and topics. I have been looking for a way to have Tags organized so they are Forum specific. Right now I have just a list of about 150 Tags in the side bar. My question is will this new add on allow me to organize Taghs so they apply to only specific Forums
Hi Bud,
There is no pre-defined tags for forums, but you can predefine certain topic prefixes for certain forum. They are almost similar. Here are the steps:
1. Create X Prefix Group for X forum(1)
2. Create predefined topic prefixes in the X Prefix Group
3. And you’ll see the predefined prefixes in the Topi Prefix drop-down next to the topic title field in the topic creating editor. So your users will select predefined topic prefixes in certain forums. Here is the detailed documentation for Prefix Groups and Prefixes:
Thanks for the info Tom. I will have to think about it further. Right now I have a LONG Tag list accumulated,ated from all of the Forums. This is quite confusing for users., I am guessing then that Tags can not be signed to certain pre-fixes only ???? Or is there some way to manage tags for just a particular Forum in a site with multip[le Forums?
You can convert tags to prefixes. The conversion can be done either with deleting the tag or keeping the tag. Once you converted a tag to a prefix you’ll have all topics attached to that converted prefix. And the prefix can be attached to certain forum with the prefix group mentioned above.
Is there a feature that allows guests and users to add tags and change prefixes without editing?
This is necessary for forums with over 100 active topics.
Hi pinda,
There is no way to add prefix and tags without editing topics yet. We’ll add it in our to-do list for this month.
I am looking forward to it
Dear buyers,
this is the right place where you can ask all per-sale questions you have, before purchasing this plugin. We’ll be in touch and reply within 1-2 hours for GMT +1 to +12 and within 4-6 hours for GMT -1 to -12. Our support is available 6 days a week from 6am to 10pm (GMT 0:00, London) ; excluding sundays all major holidays.