wpDiscuz – Advanced Likers

wpdiscuz-advanced-likers-128x128 Finally, after dozens of wpDiscuz users requests we’re releasing the Advanced Likers addon. This is a light solution for people who wants to display comment likers list and encourage commenters with some reputation titles and badges. wpDiscuz Advanced Likers addon opens a pop-up window with all voters/likes of current comment. You can see positive and negative voters separately. The light user reputation system allows to display different rating titles and badges based on amount of received likes.

Official wpDiscuz Addon

Please note: this is an add-on for wpDiscuz plugin. This addon requires at least wpDiscuz 7.0.0 version. Please do not install this addon on lower wpDiscuz versions. wpDiscuz is a free, AJAX controlled, real time, flexible and responsive commenting plugin. It's available for free download on WordPress.org Extensions directory. The official wpDiscuz addons are only available here at gVectors.com Premium plugins store.

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wpDiscuz Advanced Likers Features

  • New like/vote icones
  • Opens quick pop-up window with likers or dislikers information when you hover mouse on vote results
  • Full list of all likers on a pop-up window when you click on “View all” button
  • Separate information of likers and dislikers
  • Light user Reputation system based on received positive and negative votes/likes
  • User Reputation titles and Reputation Badges
  • Options to manage look and feel of all components
  • Option to manage user reputation system: Rating levels, badges, titles…


Installation and Configuration

  • This addon installs like any other plugin for WordPress.
    Access to wpDiscuz User & Comment Mentioning is provided immediately after you’ve paid for your order. Upon completing registration/checkout, you may log in at gVectors.com. We will also send you an email after registration/checkout, with a link to the login page. Then download the installation package.
  • Navigate to Dashboard > Plugins > Add new admin page and upload addon ZIP file, then activate it.
  • Once the plugin is active, go to Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Settings > Addons Tab > Advanced Likers Tab to begin configuration..
  • It’ll ask you to activate with license key you got via email or in your account page, just insert the key and activate it.

If for some reason you cannot install this plugin using WordPress plugin upload system please do that with this alternative way. Unzip, and then upload the /wpdiscuz-advanced-likers/ folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory using an FTP application like FileZilla; or any other FTP program is fine also. Make sure you have not double /wpdiscuz-advanced-likers/wpdiscuz-advanced-likers/ directories nested inside each other, please correct this before you continue. Then in WordPress, go to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins, and then activate the wpDiscuz Comment Search addon.

Front-end – wpDiscuz Advanced


Dashboard – wpDiscuz Advanced


  1. Fixed: Text domain loading issue


  1. Fixed Bug : Non-numeric value addition to a numeric value


  1. Fixed Bug : doesn’t matter if title or icon enabled or not, if one of them has been enabled both container have been printed
  2. Fixed Bug : issue with negative numbers on total votes count
  3. Fixed Bug : infinite ajax requests (when “enter” button has been clicked on badges total votes inputs)


  1. Fixed Bug: Change user links to wpForo, BuddyPress and Ultimate Members profile pages if any of them installed.


  1. Compatible with WordPress 5.7


  1. Added: Allowing to disconnect license


  1. Compatible with WordPress 5.5


  1. Fixed Bug: Issue with quick list of likers pop-up when dislike button is disabled


  1. Compatible with wpDiscuz 7 version


  1. Fixed Bug : badges issue
  2. Fixed Bug : popup load more issue
  3. Added : wp_nonce on admin form
  4. Changed : wpDiscuz v5.3.0 compability


  1. Changed : Show notice only to admins


  1. Adapted: Compatibility with wpDiscuz 5.1.3


  1. Fixed Issue: Iconpicker is not a function


  1. Adapted: Compatibility with wpDiscuz 5.1.0


  1. Added : .POT file


  1. Fixed : CSS issue


  1. Fixed Bug: Vote result style conflcit with wpDiscuz 5


  1. Added : Font-Awesome lib is updated to version 5


  1. Fixed Bug: Reset Points and Badges on some installations where the update was incomplete.


  1. Adapted: Compatibility with wpDiscuz 5.0.0


  1. Fixed Bug: Like and dislike icon cannot be changed for guests


  1. Changed: Display Name instead of Username in comment likers list.


  1. Changed plugin update API


  1. Fixed Bug: Fixed performance issues, problem with heavy databases and page load speed. Database queries are optimized.


Initial Version

Pre Sale Support

3 months 14 days ago

Hi, is it possible to manually edit the comment vote scores please? For example, if the score was currently at 1 like, can we as the admin manually change this to 8?

3 months 13 days ago

Hi, Mark,

You can manage this in the database. The value is stored in the wp_comment_meta table, with the meta key wpdiscuz_votes


3 months 12 days ago

Thank you for the reply. Can it be done without having to edit the database please?

3 months 11 days ago

I’m sorry, but there is not any other solution in this case.

3 months 19 days ago

Hello, what addons do I need to have next:
– besides commentators title and user badge can I have customized avatars.

3 months 16 days ago

Hi Alek,

We don’t follow you well. What do you mean saying “I have customized avatars”?

1 year 10 months ago

Is it possible to change the color of the popup like ? remove white in black etc

1 year 10 months ago

You can customize using the CSS code.

2 years 1 month ago

Hi, do I need to purchase this add in every year? or This will work for my site all the time. I understand that after 1 year i cannot download the plug in again and receive support but I don´t know if after 1 year i will still be able to keep using the plugin

2 years 1 month ago
Frank Mar
4 years 16 days ago

Is there a way to set custom badges based on what I want to set a user/commenter as? Like label someone as “badass”

4 years 15 days ago

Hi Frank Mar,

The badges are based on the count of votes. You cannot assign it to custom users. Currently, we have plugin customization and custom addon development services at the gVectors Team. They can assess the work and create it for you. Just contact us via sales[at]gvectors.com email address and send a list of requirements you’d like to have.

4 years 5 months ago

Hello, love the plugin. Is this the Advanced Likers add-on:
If so, can that be used like a widget and placed in different places on site?

4 years 5 months ago

Hi Tissa,
The screenshots of this addon is located in the Screenshots Tab above. As you can see there is not any widget on the addon screenshots, so your screenshot is not related to wpDiscuz Advanced Likers addon. Your screenshot is the wpDiscuz Widget addon screenshot: https://gvectors.com/product/wpdiscuz-widgets/

4 years 5 months ago

Thanks Tom, thanks for clarifying. I’ll get the wpDiscuz Widgets add-on in that case.

5 years 26 days ago

Hi, the Advanced Likers add-on is compatible with the latest version 7?

5 years 25 days ago

Hi Karls,
Yes, it is. All addons are compatible with wpDiscuz 7 version.

Zachary Davis
5 years 2 months ago

Does this plug in work in conjunction with the wpForo plug in? I would like to have a my users get points based off of their likes and dislikes but want the points to be able to go to the same rankings from both the forums and comment sections.

5 years 2 months ago

Hi Zachary Davis,

I’m really sorry, but the wpDiscuz Advanced Likers add-on is designed especially for the wpDiscuz plugin, not for the wpForo or some other plugin.

Empresa Ligoteo
5 years 9 months ago


I would like to add likes and dislikes buttons with a list voters system as you explain in this feature below new post.

e.g: https://www.ligoteos.es/anonimos-us/ Below each new post on this page have the posibiliity to give likes and see the voters.

is posible??’

thank you so much

5 years 9 months ago

Hi Empresa Ligoteo,

The voting feature is included in the free wpDiscuz plugin. More info here:

The wpDiscuz Advanced Likers addon allows viewing the full list of all likers on a pop-up window when you click on “View all” button and it also provides light user Reputation system based on received positive and negative votes/likes, and much more.

6 years 3 months ago

Can I use this addon as karma? I think the total number of the likes/dislikes would be displayed below the avatar. if the user has received 10 likes and 5 dislikes, under his avatar will se -5. (sorry for my eng) Thanks.

6 years 3 months ago

Please open a support topic in gVectors Support forum. This is the pre-sale discussion area.

Also please leave URL to allow us to check it.

6 years 4 months ago

Hi there, I’d like a function where commenters get notified if someone likes their comment, but can’t really find anywhere that this happens. does this plugin or another one offer this option? thanks

6 years 4 months ago

Hi Carly,

I’m really sorry, but wpDiscuz and wpDiscuz Advanced Likers addon don’t have such a functionality.

Chris Arnold
6 years 4 months ago

I like all the features but the visibility of all users likes and dislikes. Can that option alone be disabled in this addon?

6 years 4 months ago

Hi Chris Arnold,

Thank you for your interest in wpDiscuz Advanced Likers addon.

I’m sorry, but don’t follow you. Could you please explain more in detail ( using some screenshots)?

6 years 8 months ago

Can you turn off the downvote for certain uses like admins? Admins get a lot of attention and people negatively downvote admins quite often so it would be useful if we can just leave the upvote on admins and turn off the downvote.

6 years 8 months ago

Hi Alex,
I’m sorry but there is no such option in addon and in wpDiscuz plugin.

Chris Arnold
6 years 4 months ago

What about a “featured comment” option to pin it to the top?

6 years 10 months ago

the voting system works according to the IP address, can we make it according to the device? actually its not fair because sometimes there are 10 or 15 persons working in the same place and sharing the same IP, so in this case only one person will be able to vote … how to fix this issue please?

6 years 10 months ago

Hi zamel88,
I’m sorry but not. The same device can be used by many visitors. This is not secure, because device detection is based on cookies. The IP detection is the most secure and stable detection of non-registered visitors.

serhan atli
7 years 8 days ago

Is it possible to have more than 5 badges? I’d like as many as 15

7 years 7 days ago

I’m sorry, but it’s not possible yet. However we’ll take this under consideration and add it in future releases.

serhan atli
7 years 8 days ago

Hello, is it possible to limit the number of votes a single user can give in a given time frame, such as a max of 20 votes over the course of 24 hours? This would prevent a reputation attack some “trolls” might resort to. Thanks

7 years 1 month ago

Is it possible to only use Positive/Up votes? I have a project on which I’d like to keep things positive. Thanks!

7 years 1 month ago

This is not an addon specific function. You can do that with wpDiscuz core. Just use a simple CSS code for hiding dislike button. Please open a support topic in gVectors Team forum for farther support.

7 years 1 month ago

Thank you for your response. I will open a ticket shortly.

7 years 5 months ago

How to change the badge images? (Not fontawesome)

7 years 5 months ago

Badges are Font-Awesome icons, they can not be images. You can change icons but there is no way to add custom image. Font-Awesome icons are listed here: http://fontawesome.io/icons/

7 years 5 months ago
Jami Gold
7 years 7 months ago

Does this display the name and avatar only of users logged into a site? Or is it smart enough to pull the name and avatar from cookies of guest commenters? (I don’t have users on my site other than admin, so I want to know if this would be useful for me or not.) Thanks!

P.S. Love the plugin! 🙂

7 years 7 months ago

Thank you Jami,
Cookies don’t matter, avatars are being pulled based on guest emails (WP and Gravatar) system. So it also work for guests.

Jami Gold
7 years 7 months ago

Hmm, so the system must recognize who these guests are (which is why I asked about cookies), as someone doesn’t have to put in their email address just to Like something, correct? So maybe that email recognition for Gravatar would also extend to their name? I don’t know how it might work, but let me know! 🙂 Thanks!

Jami Gold
7 years 7 months ago

Hi Tom,

So the avatar of guests will display–good! What about their name? (I’m guessing no, but I wanted to check. 🙂 ) Thanks!

8 years 4 months ago

Dear buyers,
this is the right place where you can ask all per-sale questions you have, before purchasing this plugin. We’ll be in touch and reply within 1-2 hours for GMT +1 to +12 and within 4-6 hours for GMT -1 to -12. Our customer support representatives are available 7 days a week from 6am to 10pm (GMT 0:00, London) ; excluding all major holidays.

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