I'll try my best. It has nothing to do with usergroups, as far as I can say. Here are some examples:
- lists Bertram Dottner @bdottner
- does not list Bert Kößler @bkoessler (current account)
- does not list Bert Häßner @bert-haessner
while → @ber
- also lists Nils Henzke @nhenzke
- also lists Florian Scheller @fscheller
- lists Markus @phoenix
- lists Martin Mörner @martin-moerner
- lists Sven Martens @sven-martens
- does not list Marius @marius
- does not list Martin Hasmann @martin-hasmann
- does not list Marc Von Demmler @marc-von-demmler
I first thought it would be some kind of UTF8 problem with German Umlauts, but as you can see, this seems not to be the case. There is no system of what is found and what not.