For our forum we have a private main forum plus 3 private subforums (using 3 secondary usergroups for access rights).
In the user registration form, a new member can check the secondary user groups he wants to get access to. The Forum Admin then needs to check if he is allowed to get access and will activate the member account.
BUT... If the new member edits his profile, the secondary usergroups are still displayed and the member can change his secondary usergroups and gets access to any secondary usergroup he wants...!
I have checked all options but I cannot find a way to hide the secondary usergroup for the member.
The secondary usergroups should be visible for the Forum Admin to edit them in the members user accounts but it should NOT be possible for a member to edit the secondary usergroup....!
The Forum Admin does not have WP Admin user role so he will only edit a user in the account page in front end.
How can this be done in such way that ONLY Forum Admin can change the members secondary usergroup and not the member himself?