Mister, you get it work.
So can you tell me where to add the Lines, the support for this (for me) MAIN Feature is not the best here.
I have add the Line Number two for a test in post.php after Line 33:
<?php wpforo_member_badge($member) ?>
<div class="author-joined"><?php wpforo_phrase('Joined') ?>:<?php wpforo_date($member['user_registered']); ?></div>
<div class="author-posts"><?php wpforo_phrase('Posts') ?>: <?php echo intval($member['posts']) ?></div>
<div class="author-posts"><?php if (function_exists('wpfucfTheField')) {wpfucfTheField($member['userid'], "field_c5a0017", $before = '<h4>', $after = '</h4>');?></div>
But this ends in an error inside the foreach loop.
Next step i try to add the other line befor and after this
<? if (function_exists('wpfucfGetField')) {$fieldValue = wpfucfGetField(15, "field_c5a0017");}?>
But with the same end. It dos not work.