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Required Topic Fields

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When I set Topic Fields as Required and a guest user does not fill in the field, the input in the textfield will be deleted by the error message. This is very unpleasant for the guest.

2021 10 25 18 49 10 Topic Fields ‹ Münster zu Fuß — WordPress
2021 10 25 18 50 40 Achtung – kleiner BUG in der Forensoftware – Fragen, Anregungen und Austausch –

Is that a BUG or a wrong attitude from me?

Thanks, Thorsten from Münster in Germany.

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This forgotten checkmark does not delete the text field.

2021 10 25 18 50 01 Posteingang   Outlook

And when a Guest post e new topic the the error does not occur. Then just a hint.

2021 10 25 19 09 58 Fragen, Anregungen und Austausch – Münster zu Fuß Diskussionsforum und 6 weitere
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The error only occurs when replying. Not by adding a new topic.

Sorry for three messages. Writing English is not easy for me.

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Hi @thorsten-knolle,

Could you please leave a direct link to the forum so we could test it?

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Here I have described it again:

You are welcome to try it out there.

Guest contributions must be activated. I don't know where to turn this off right now.

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Hi @thorsten-knolle,

Posted by: @thorsten-knolle

When I set Topic Fields as Required and a guest user does not fill in the field, the input in the textfield will be deleted by the error message. This is very unpleasant for the guest.

This is not a bug, the page is refreshed after clicking on the add reply button, and if one of the required fields won't be filled the reply won't be posted, so the user will lose what he has written.

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A refresh should not be triggered if the mandatory fields are not filled out. It works when you write a new post. Only not when answering. If it's not a bug, then it's badly programmed. It is a pity that you do not solve the problem. So the forum software is not reasonable for my guests. I had great hopes for the software. So it is not usable for me.

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we have found out that it is a bug and the reason is that those two fields are set to not required, I have added this in our to-do list, so it will be fixed, but for now to get reed of this bug you can make those two fields required.

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