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[Solved] Find out who voted for who

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Hi, I started a thread on this a while ago and it seems to have died and no one is replying t o it. So I thought I would start a fresh one

I want to ensure, my competitions have fair votes. SO I want to check, who has voted for who in a competition. 

Polls, can easily be fixed, with new members signing up, and voting for themselves with new accounts. There is no easy way to see if this is going on, and i think admin of the site should have the ability to see who has voted for who, and it should be added to a futr update if that's possible 

In the meantime, I have to check my database to see who has voted for who? I checked there but couldn't find any answers. 

Do someone know how to do this? Once I have found out who has voted fro who, I can check IP addresses and see if the accounts match. 

I need to do this to ensure the competition is safe and fair. I think it is a major flaw to the polls add on that this isn't added to it for admin to see. Gotta try and keep things legit, 🙂 Loads of cheaters out there on the internet. 

Hope you can help me out, thanks for you time

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Illustrious Member
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Yes, currently wpForo doesn't allow to view who has voted. We may add the option in future versions. 
You'll need to check it on the wp_wpforo_polls database table. You'll need to find the user ids of the users who has voted in the userids column. Then navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Debug > [ User Data ] admin page, insert the user id and get info about the user.
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Posts: 281


Legend thanks mate, this sounds like it will work. Thank you


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I found the user ID of everyone who voted, but not who they voted for.... how can i do that? 


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Illustrious Member
Posts: 6286


This allows you two see how many users have voted, but not the options they have voted. This kind of options don't comply GDPR and not manageable.

Posts: 281
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Oh right. 

But i can find their IP address and see if they match? is the any easy way to do that? 

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Sorry for the late response.

I've asked our developers one more time. We're really sorry, but there are no any other solutions we can suggest to you.

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Ok, thats cool. But i need a way to prevent this from happening again

Is it possible in a future update, that when you make a poll, you have the option to not allow any new sign ups to vote on it? 

For example, poll started on november 1st, anyone signing up after that date, will not be allowed to vote on that poll

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Posts: 1403


Is it possible in a future update, that when you make a poll, you have the option to not allow any new sign ups to vote on it? 

Currently, this is possible via the wpForo Forum Access and Usergroup Permission system. You'll just need to follow the steps below: 

1. Please navigate to Dashboard > Forum > Settings > Forum Access admin page, create a new forum access called e.g. "Polls", enable the CANS as it necessary. The important point you'll need to pay attention to is, that the "Can vote poll" option should be unchecked.

can't vote

2. Then navigate to Dashboard > Forum > Usergroups admin page. Create a new usergroup, called e.g. "Restrict poll". Please make sure the "Restrict poll" is attached to  "Polls" forum access in the "Default Forum Access" section.

user groups

3. Click on the "Set as Default" button in the Usergroup list. In this case, all new registered users will have a "Restrict poll" usergroup. I.e, they will not be able to vote for a poll. 

You can change the Default registration usergroup each time you want. For example, if you want to start this on the 25th of November you'll need to set this usergroup exactly on that day. Once you need to stop this, just change the default registration usergroup. 


4. Edit each forum and make sure that the "Restrict poll" is attached to "Polls" forum access in the Forum Permissions section. 

forum permition

Once you decide to allow one of the users from the "Restrict poll" usergroup to vote for a poll, you'll just need to change the usergorup of the current user. You can do this in Dashboard > Users admin page or directly on forum front User Profile > Account page.


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