why my insert into post is not working at all? please help urgent
Hi jimmykho,
I see the rich editor is disabled. This is the reason. Please navigate to Dashboard > Users > Your Profile admin page and uncheck the option Visual editor - "Disable the visual editor when writing". Then delete all caches and refresh forum front-end.
i did what you say but still cannot. My site can you check for me. Thanks
You have lots of JS error on your website. They affect rich editor JS. Please fix these errors before installing other plugins. These errors affects all front-end plugins. I think these errors comes from your theme.
Also I'd recommend deactivate other plugins, do Ctrl+F5 on forum front-end and check it again.
seriously i dont know how to fix it.
can email me i can provide you admin log in detail. I need to fix it asap.
my email: jimmykho@msn.com